[CP Elections] Alfagrem

Day 1,443, 04:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Hello my fellow UKers.

I'm Alfagrem - A tanker, an economist, a data-miner, IRC lurker, MP and the PCP candidate for the position of Country President.

On the off chance I can get the TUP or UKRP candidate banned through mass-spam reporting of slight infractions 😛 then here is the program I will be looking to implement.

The Ministries of State
There has been much criticism of Presidential appointees wheter it's jobs for the boys, incompetence or worse - those who want the titles but don't put the work.

My simple solution to this problem (with an eye on addressing recent concerns about where the next generation of leaders is to come from) is to create a seperate civil service.

The Finance office, Foreign Affairs mandarins and the Defenders of the realm will no longer be subjected to the monthly change in leadership and direction caused by the CP elections and will operate as essentially seperate entities.

The head honcho's at Mo£, MoFA and MoD will therefore remain unchanged from those established under Temujin94's term. If they feel unable or unwilling to continue under a PCP or any replacement CP then they alone will pick their succesor from within their own branch of government.

Clarification on their role and their relationship with the CP and HoC to follow in subsequent articles.

The Community Ministries
All the other remaining ministries that deal more with the social, community aspect of our gameplaying experience will fall under the Aegis of PCP President Burton Hotaling for rationalization and re-organisation.

The Program

Warfare, Foreign Affairs and Economics
1. Whilst we are certainly holding our own even with Canada's vastly greater expenditure I will be talking to the Mo£ and the MoD to see if there is scope to increase our defense expenditure for a 3 month period that goes hand-in-hand with our long term, socialist agenda of investement in the player.

2. I will be looking to my Foreign Affairs madarins to secure a mutual defense treaty with Japan and South Korea to contain the regretably infected Canucks from unleashing their own mutuated version of 'Irishness' across the Pacific.

3. Minimum Wage will be increased to restore the primacy of UKAF forces within the realm.

4. Whilst naturally remaining open to Cano-Irish peace overtures, I can guarantee that such talks will not be initiated by a Alfagrem government and that the war will continue until Canada is able to wipe us, keep us wiped and get us down to our last 10K. (given that TEDEN are losing pretty much everywhere else they may just all throw into the Canuck war and attempt to gain at least some sembelence of a victory!?)

Domestic issues.
5. Advisors postions will be terminated and the only non-elected members in sensitive will be the King, the last CP, the heads of the 3 ministries, our liason to ONE (imperator) Keers and for reasons of succesion - the candidate that finishes behind me in the CP elections.

6. A seperate 'clubhouse' will be established on the forums for military commanders, approved MU leaders and anyone else the MoD thinks to include. eRep is now a wargame and yet our planning, co-ordination and strategic vision is somehwat wanting. I hope this 'war college' will help rectify some of these deficiencies.

7. A review of the honours system will be undertaken with input from some of the oldfags who's time in the UK precedes my own. Expect a restructuring and re-ranking as well as some stripping of current honours.

8. Boblo's house will return to the UK forums! I do not care greatly for bobloism itself but I strongly believe that it is hypocritical to be attempting to save the world from 'Irishness' on the one hand whilst shutting down the care home that cages/houses our own weapons of mass destruction.

Alfagrem - 9 out of 10 cats can't be wrong!