[CP-Campaign]My Vice President and Question Time

Day 743, 16:26 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

My articles so far:

Here is the list of the current articles i have done so far. Feel free to recap on all my points and send questions my way at the bottom of this article.

1) Introductory Article

2) National Goals and Changes to Ministries

3) My Main Changes and Conclusion

4) My Vice President and Question Time

My Vice President



Dubhthaigh's Achievements

- 3X Minister of Finance
- 1X dMoF
- 3X Congressman for Cork and Kerry
- President of the ISD
- CEO of the Company
- Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Why Dubhthaigh?

I chose Dubhthaigh as i feel he compliments me. His strong areas are my weak areas. As Edana rightly said in her article, "A Glimpse Into a One Track Multifaceted Mind", "The only thing that I find lacking is the economics outlook". Dubhthaigh is the current Minister of Finance so he definately is strong in the areas i am weak in that is one of the reasons for me choosing him. Another is how we work together. Myself and dubhtaigh do not necessarily have the same views about certains things all the time but i really do respect him for arguing his point and correcting me if im wrongs while being receptive. Our differing strengths in opposing areas make us a formible duo, like a roundtower we have know weak corner..

I don't see Dubhthaigh as under me in rank as vice president, i see him as a equal. I will consult him about my descisions to make sure what i chose is best for Ireland, not for my personal needs.

Thank you Militant Homosexual Alliance for supporting us!

About the 5% GDP increase i choose in my National Goals

As economy is my strongest area i asked Dubhtaigh for some help with it.

Can i GDP seriously increase by 5%?

Although I wouldn't bet anything valuable on the accuracy of the new country targets, I would expect to encourage a GDP increase of 5% or more over the next month. Without any interference, GDP increases due to the gold received from medal awards and elections and also from an active population growth. I plan to increase GDP through government loans and other initiatives too.

What about current government plans?

The lowered exchange rate should encourage our homegrown business' to export goods elsewhere, increasing the overall quantity of goods sold (our market is saturated in most areas at this time) and subsequently providing more profit for company owners. Not only that, in exporting abroad our business owners will be bringing foreign gold into our system. This, through increased buying/investing power, will increase GDP and overall wealth.

What about the embargos?

Even before the embargoes were a factor, Ireland had a minimal exporting presence on the world market. Many countries are still available as attractive export locations, and the ministry of finance has released a list of recommended export destinations in a Public Dáil topic. The Minsitry is also considering ways to compensate any exporters who were harmed by the war games.

Question Time

My next article will answer any questions you post in the comments section, not matter how silly or bizzare. Im doing a Harilal style Q & A session without the limit. Feel free to question policies, ask for a interview etc

Niall H for Country President, Dubhthaigh for Vice President

Vote Dubhthaigh and Niall, YOUR voice for the Emerald Isle

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico

EDIT: A graph for gordongekko

Here - http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createAgraph/graphwrite.aspx?ID=c7a272d166f54daea8c80a332945bbe1&download=false&file=png