[CP] An Apology

Day 3,917, 06:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

I had not realized on being elected as the latest TUP president that some level of work was going to be required of me.

I had assumed that I would be able to follow in the long line of predecessors in being able to attain the position, appoint the same old faces and then being able to kick back and relax.

I know we were making a big deal about 'democracy' but I figured it would be a couple of meetings, a few regular faces bleating and then concluding that UKSF would give us a beating.

If things actually got to the point of action then I could claim my hamster was feeling depressed and therefore I would be busy at whatever time action or work would be required. I had hoped not to use this excuse up too promptly as it was going to be my default response in the unlikely event I actually had the power to do anything or be asked to fulfill my manifesto.

However, I digress.....My hamster has been feeling a bit depressed these past few days and I have been busy taking care of him I promise to be fully devoted on his return to health although I cannot discount a relapse if any work is required.