[Congressional Platform] Its that time of month again...

Day 1,003, 11:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

It's that time of month again and I will be running for Dail again in the Southeast. For all my supporters who were displaced during the British attacks, I am more than willing to supply you means of transport to return to your home.

My Q5 castle outside of Wexford.

Before you continue reading I'd like to remind you to vote this article so New Citizens will have a higher change of viewing it and be more educated in their decision on who to vote for on the 25th. I of course wouldn’t want you to have to do all that extra scrolling when you’re done reading this article. Actually, why you’re at it, why don’t you subscribe too.? If you’re reading this article now you’ll probably be reading it again so you might as well make it easier for yourself, no?

Why should you re-elect me?

Well, unfortunately I have not been able to be as active as I would have liked last term due to real life complications, however compared to most members of the Dail I have still been very active.

What I've accomplished in the Dail.
~Used all my proposals to propose new taxes/wages as set out by the Ministry of Finance
~Abolished the archaic and pointless sign-in thread
~Am working on a proposal that could in theory raise approximately 100 gold for Ireland by making it policy for Teachtai Dala to donate 50% of their congressional treasure map to the state.
~Been very active compared the majority of congressman.

I know this may not sound like much but for the Dail it's quite a damn a lot.

What I've accomplished in eRepublik
~3 time ambassador to Austria and Romania (Or 2, depending on how you count)
~1 time ambassador to the United Kingdom (Although at the rate that Canada is going I don't think I'll be able to hold this position for an entire term!)
~Teachta Dala in the Southeast June and July 2010
~Winner of the New Citizen's Writing Contest May 2010
~Voted Newcomer to Watch June 2010
~Voted Most Acclaimed Publisher July 2010
~Appointed Intern Secretary of Foreign Affairs August 2010
~2 time Hardworker
~1 time Super Soldier
~IDF Pilot
~Probably some other crap that I'm forgetting right now

I believe ePolitics are too limited to really have political philosophies as they exist in the real world. My personaI political philosophy is to do what's logically is the best for the people of Ireland, whether it would be the economy, the job market, your enjoyment, or your safety. To be honest, party guidelines don't mean crap to me.This varies from proposal to proposal, however I’d be glad to answer any relevant questions you have, relevant hypothetical situations, or share my past voting record. (I’d throw that in here too, except this article is already getting way too long.)

I do believe a state communal system would be a quite dandy, however until Labour controls more than 50% of the Dail that’s not going to happen since it seems other parties can’t distinguish between eSocialism and eCommunism and real life Socialism and Communism.

It’s true that I am not going to bring any sweeping radical change to the Dail, but at least I believe in progress and benefiting the people of eIreland.

I’m not going to include anything regarding to my real life since this is a game where you create a fictional citizen and choose who you are.

I've recently repeatedly come under the attack for my proposal to lower the minimum and called a bad Socialist. I personally find these claims ridiculous, however I am willing to address them.

When I created the proposal there were two level 1 jobs available on the market, however at the rate CelticTiger211 is recruiting they could be gone within half an hour. It is the state's job to offer decent paying Q1 jobs for new citizens, but since the state was obviously failing in this regard

Note: Apparently one of the companies was owned by the state, however it wasn’t labeled so and I had no idea of knowing that. Point is, there still needed to be more jobs on the market.

To those whining that it didn't follow the proper voting procedure the proposal. Minister of Finance Kavrocks posted in the thread discussing the Ministry of Finance's plan that there's very few jobs on the market and the minimum wage should probably be lowered to .1 IEP/Hour. 24 hours of "discussion" later where nobody was openly opposed to it I put it up to vote in game, just as all the other Ministry of Finance taxes.

My logic was that most new citizens would accept a job that paid .1 IEP/Hour over no job whatsoever.

In addition I'd like to note that a lower minimum wage allows communes that in theory don't pay any wages to operate more efficiently.

Please also note that since the minimum wage change, the number of level 1 jobs on the market have more than quintupled and the highest wages offering has increased by 32 percent.

In real life, I am an advocate of higher minimum wage, but in real life if the minimum wage is raised it won't effect the jobs available as most people are paid above minimum wage.

You have the right to disagree with the proposal, but you should at least provide adequate reasoning behind your arguments and please don't use the false fact that because of this I'm a bad Socialist as the base of the platform of your congressional campaign.

I'll see you at the polls,