[Congress] Changes on Chairman position

Day 4,183, 01:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by UNL Congress

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

Congress member Notie112 requested the following debate be semi restarted from a previous debate he opened.

Topic: Changes on chairman position.
Requester: Notie112

*** Amendment Article 4, Chapter II (sexy title: Restore the Chairman!) ***

Instead of every citizen being able to apply for the position of Chairman of Congress, return to the situation in which only Members of Congress can be Chairman of Congress.

The option for every citizen to apply was introduced back when the Chairman of Congress-position was merely a Forum mask. In an attempt to open up the forum positions more to outsiders, this change was introduced. Now with a serious Chairman of Congress in-game, we should once again restore the intended position of main representative of Congress, and therefore a Congress Member. This has practical reasons too, as a Chairman of Congress as CM has actual voting power, is included in internal Congress Groups and has the right to open posts on the National Feed.


No starting proposal given.

odan and Kordak
CoC Team