转载 中印合作详解 China Vs India 鸟盟拟放弃所占印度地区

Day 769, 02:20 Published in China North Korea by dawenxi

首先推荐一篇文章 Two Faces of the eWorld 分析了世界上所有的高铁,有时间的去看看

中国在与印度的换地过程中 拿到了 West Bengal 和 Bihar 两块印度领土
然后美国经过西藏进入 West Bengal 然后攻击 Jharkhand(高木)
关于前前后后的状况,印度总统ArjaaAine写了一篇文章感谢中国并做出了详细解 释。


Why India vs China?
You may have noticed India attacked China and have retreated regions to her.
I apologize for the shroud of suspense around it, but it was necessary. Everything can be explained now though.

As was explained the reason for India vs Iran war. Our aim is to rid India of a border with Iran so that if ever Mafia wins, they cannot retreat India to Iran. We almost succeeded but we just couldn't take Jharkhand on our own, as it would require a LOT of money.
At the same time after countless talks and negotiations, Mafia refused to step down from congress elections and our talks with Iran and Phoenix broke down because of that. We had attacked China as backup, that in case Mafia wins congress.

The situation was this, If mafia had won over 26 seats in congress, they could have impeached me and given Presidency to their candidate and retreated India to Iran. So we declared war to china, as a backup which meant we will give India to China/USA so that Mafia cant do anything.
This was prevented by great work by our Anti-PTO team. Kudos to you.

Now our plan was to use the war to rid India of Borders with Iran. I apologize to our Phoenix brothers for this inconvenience but the MAFIA has left us no choice.
We have been harassed by the Mafia for far too long and we are going to do anything to beat those F***ing losers. Thanks to admins for banning those multis. A big round of applause for Admins and a bigger round of applause to everyone who helped us.
They have proved to be untrustworthy of negotiations and we care too much about India. I hope this issue of India vs Mafia (their relations to Iranian government are quite clear) will not disturb our relations with our other friends.

War Action:
1) India Declared war on China
2) India Attacked Tibet and retreated to give China winner advantage.
2.5) But erep had problems and china didn't get the advantage, so we were delayed.
3) Once erep fixed itself, China attack West Bengal- India Retreated.
4) Then China attacked Bihar - India Retreated
5) USA attacked Tibet - China retreated
6) USA attacked West Bengal - China retreated
7) USA attacked Jharkhand

We had to give West Bengal to China so that USA can come there and attack Jharkhand
We gave Bihar to China so that they can use it, in case we need China's help in the coming future. (We wont have to spend 100s of gold to attack/retreat).
All the costs of china war and attacks has been paid by USA. I thank the eUSA for their support and I assure eIndians that our treasury has not been sacrificed for this.

What is in store for us?
We might be able to get jharkhand and hence remove iran's border with India.
We will be one step closer to achieving complete India.
We will be one step ahead of the MAFIA.
We will be giving a BIG BOOST to our economy.
We have some hard work and tough decisions to make.
We are going to have an important meeting soon, to decide on some deciding factors. Please make yourself available on IRC and MSN, as the meeting will be soon and very short notice.

My personal Condition
Most of you know that I was sick last to last sunday. I fell sick, and since last tuesday I was barely on.
I had finals during the first week of this month and that was the same time I became president and we attacked Iran. So I was pulling all nighters for about a week sitting in front of computer for 24 hrs. 12 hrs for erep and 12 hrs for exams. The result was my body gave up and I fell extremely sick and was running with high fever for 3 days with tremendous headaches.
After getting multiple tests doctors have determined, that due to the weakening of my eyesight, and my physical strain, I have become prone to migraines. Because I was so weak I had migraines last for 2-3 days straight and the only solution was to sleep. Now its much better and happens only for a few hrs a day. I have been strictly advised to give my eyes complete rest or I will loose my 20/20 vision will have permanent defects. For that reason I have completely absolved from eRepublik, as I value my eyes more 😉.
I still am doing a few small things around, but not enough for a president. I thank everyone who has taken up the mettle and gotten things done. I extend a special thanks to Jelly, maverick, shail, david, abhi, ash for their awesome work.

I am formally gonna quit all computer related gaming/socializing stuff as I need to be able to save my computer time for my engineering work.
I apologize for all the inconvenience.

Jharkhand -Chhattisgarh-Madhya Pradesh(印尼所占印度的高麦)
West Bengal-Orissa -Andhra Pradesh-Karnataka(终极目标印尼所占印度的高铁)


中国多拿到手一个 Bihar ,当然这肯定是要还的。

下面是匈牙利远东特使在伊朗发表的文章 文章中已经明确表示防御Jarkhland和Karnataka代价太大,匈牙利不会 为其防守。
Are Jarkhland And Karnataka Defendable?
同时指责伊朗的MAFIA(黑手党)组织印度组织PTO行动,导致印度与伊朗的对话破 裂。伊朗的MAFIA在国会选举中试图PTO印度,但是只得到35%席位,未过半数。 匈牙利人呼吁伊朗人最好能跟印度通过外交手段解决问题,赶紧把黑手党撤走。
印尼的报纸也在伊朗发表文章 号召伊朗人赶紧买机票从Jarkhland搬家
To all Iranians living in Jharkhand, EVACUATE!!!