[Chief of Staff] A Presentation

Day 1,303, 05:07 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick

Today Lonestar asked me whether I would like to be the new Chief of Staff. My answer was, "what does such a person do?"
"The Chief of Staff yells at people and make them do stuff," Lonestar answered.
"I am in." said Flitwick.

Okay, that was not exactly what was said, but it could have been fun. Lonestar came to me, as he wanted someone to take charge of all ministries, except for Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Finance. The reason for this was to make things more structured and make sure, that all ministries do what they are supposed to do.
And what is a ministry supposed to do then, you might ask.
A ministry has an area in which this do stuff. The Ministry of Industry has to analyze everything that is going on regarding companies and what companies do, such as selling on the market. It also is the ministry that provides the Ministry of Finance with details and suggestions on what can be done to improve for example the tax/VAT system. The Ministry of Education is in charge of making sure, that everyone knows how the game works within Homonavia. And the other ministries have their own responsibilities.

But this is not all. A ministry has a responsibility to inform the public of what is going on. It cannot release anything confidential of course, but it can still inform.

And that part has been neglected lately by almost all ministries. That is why, that I from today, have given all ministries the task, of, at least twice a term to release an article that inform everyone about what is going on, what the ministry is doing and what their plans for the future are. Still nothing confidential, of course.

My aim as the Chief of Staff is simple. I want to make sure all ministries are doing what they are supposed to do and to make sure, that they communicate with the public. And I have started this very job, today.

I hope you will be happy with this, after all, communication is a key element of governmental work.

Sincerely Yours,
Chief of Staff