[CCT] ::: PTOers and Their First Step :::

Day 829, 10:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

Dear eMalaysian,

Good Day.

1) As you all know, Barisan Nasional (eSerb PTOers) had successfully send 6 congressman (20😵 into our nation congress. (3 in Peninsular, 1 in Sabah and 2 in Sarawak)

2) A few thing they are trying to do after the election:

- New Citizen Fee propose by dorks

Citizen fee change from 5 MYR to 5.01 MYR by dorks, the result until 10:00pm is 3 no and 14 yes. What they are trying to do? trying to get the vote of confident or trying to test our unity? yes we will tell them, we will stay unite even we are from different party (DPP, FUP, DCM & PR).

- Changing party name

They had change their party name from Barisan Nasional to Srpski Cipelici, which mean Serbian shoes (according to google translate). We can see a serbian flag attach in the party flag, yes, serbian is their origin.

3) I will observe their move from time to time so that eMalaysian can know what they are trying to do.

4) For sure, another 18 new citizens from Serb will be approve by somebody in this month.

5) The conclusion is, we should stay unite and fight those PTOers to save our nation from them!


http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/02/16/5f14615696649541a025d3d0f8e0447f_55x55.jpg" /> http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Newspapers/2010/02/23/4acd3c79140406bd6e447cf4221ab9b6_55x55.jpg" />
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