Day 478, 20:37 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by wander howard

Photo ops: We're still celebrating wedding but... also Uncle Sam's epic failure... like bush...

This news is presented by our media team: alfonzo, faczan, silentrazgriz, gallant0, and hhector. Pretty soon, we'll deliver you the most fascinating news from 5 continents, except... Africa.


Operation Java Delight will commence on Saturday Indonesian time from 09.00 - 15.00 WIB
We hope that we can also roll on Sumatra plains too. We hope all IRC members actively involved in this Operation.

Washington D.C., Capitol
It has come down that USA Government is getting an Earthquake.The Vice president of USA, Joe DaSmoe had officially stepped down, citing that he was getting fed up with the Government.

"Frankly, all this BS is stressing me out and it makes the game suck. The President has made mistakes, huge mistakes but that's all I'm going to say about it. In fact, I want to thank Uncle Sam for picking me out of no-where and allowing me to get into the inner workings of our Country. If it wasn't for him a lot of you would not even know who the hell I am. (sic)"

Then, as if the snowball hasn't rolled big enough, comes the avalanche, though not yet, the LAST STRAW.

The reason was the lack of communication and secrecy of the president. However, on other issues, USA congress thought that they will stay in PEACE GC due to imminent threat from Spain and Portugal (or was Canada as well 🙁 ) if they left the alliance.

An impeachment proposal is now being pondered as the citizens of USA are broiling in anger and finger-pointing. Will Uncle Sam falls?

Meanwhile, Uncle Sam had his explanations on his latest fiasco:
I will put up quotes:

"I make a public apology to the USA today because I have no exactly communicated well with the public. I have recently been doing a lot of my work behind closed doors such as working on a peace proposal with Mexico and working to delay and nullify the ATLANTIS fines"

"Communication with my congress has been lacking, not because I want to keep war strategy away from possible leaks, but because of the ATLANTIS fine situation. I apologize for this. The abuse of executive power to make decisions without going through congress on such issues like the use of treasury money to fund tanks or pay one fine to ATLANTIS is another thing I'd like to apologize for."

Then, he managed to get back to rhetorics of unity and remembrance of what a great nation they are, before the mood got sombre where he clarifies this certain submission he ha😛
1. They agreed to pay the fine, and they already paid UK 100 G.

Comment: And as we HAVE PREDICTED BEFORE, most countries WILL PAY USA back. It proves their strained relationship and their urgent need of USA however naughty they are.

I also see that Misho get her points across, good ol' Misho, with her quotes:

"Either you are in it with your heart or you leave it. You can't hate it and still be in it - that will hurt both yourself and your alliance. We have already trashed the china so there is no point denying for our neighbors that we have a quarrel in the family.
If America do not want to be part of Atlantis so leave it.
No one forced you to be in it. You volunteered to join it and you have played a big part of building it to what it is today. If you don't like what it is today you have the greatest of opportunities to change it from the inside. If you believe in the member countries and that they and you should work together, then take that chance. "

2. They have tried to negotiate Peace talks with PEACE GC on Mexico. However, seeing the lull of the storm in Europe, PEACE GC attacked Baja with renewed Vigor. Uncle Sam claimed that he had a positive sign on the diplomacy when everything just fell apart. He cited PEACE as not to be trusted.

3. Refusing to pay a noble deed of a citizen to stop portugal from invading USA...
what a leader...

Comment: We are on the upper hand, why should we listen to someone whose head will soon roll?


Here we report Piratul, a renowned romanian believed that without PEACE tanks, HUNGARY are nothing. Also he cited that the internal squabbling had subsided, president had worked well, and the nation is united and stronger and ever before! He vowed to take Western Siberia again!

And the president certainly worked well to avoid impeachment. Talk about somebody who used WAR as a means to get ELECTED again.

Hungary attacked NGP region to block Romania. However it was clear that they had no chance for victory, meanwhile the Romanian-Indo border has been disappeared. The magyars will focus on Spain and France for the moment.

Whilst, Legendarium author, Quicksilver spoke that Pakistan is a good example for a once great nation which was overexpanded, the players lost interest, and now their Romanian dictator leads the country to disappearance.

So the last days were a bit more peacful, so the government restarted subsidizing companies.

The editor wished to say that:

Koszi and happy rebuilding.


Brazil and Argentina are improving their relationship
In the past, and due to political, economical and even military differences, this countries had a hard time living bordering each other. But these days are different: Because of the war USA vs. Mexico, the presidents of Brazil and Argentina understand how important is for south America to stand united.

Brazil assigns an ambassador for Argentina, and Argentina did the same for Brazil. Now, both presidents are taking like friends, and future cooperation and alliance are in front of us.
link here.

To Indonesian and Peace Governments, we suggested forming a DEAL with Brazil because it seemed that Brazilian public weapon companies have a really high stock, and the government begun to donate them to the people, but, they must use them to defend mexico and france.


Wander (still in wedding festivities)