[bloc|en] Choose to be Unhappy With the Status Quo. Choose the Bloc.

Day 850, 17:21 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc
The Bloc Canadien is a party for those who are Unhappy With The Status Quo. So why would people be unhappy with the status quo anyways?

There are a lot of things about eCanada to be proud of. We are a nation that has truly bounced back from being conquered, unlike eGermany. Our work towards bilingualism shows that we are a country that is big enough for everyone, unlike eFrance. We have so many intellectuals that continue to press the boundaries of what's possible within the New World, and create additions outside of it, like the eCBC / eRadio-Canada. We have a camaraderie amongst our small nation that is hard to find. The Bloc loves all of these qualities, and will work tirelessly to keep

The Bloc notes, though, that we've become so comfortable with the ideas that we have that we seem to extend that sentiment to ideas that may not be working. It's manifesting in ways that we may not realize, unless we start taking a good, hard look at everything we do, consciously or not.

One way to measure the status quo is the productivity of workers. A quick, unscientific perusal of various companies in eRepublik shows that about 1/5th, if not more of eCanadians have missed one or more days of work this week. In strategic terms, this game works best when everyone logs in every day and works - workers have more money and gold to spend in the economy, businesses have more products to sell, and the government receives more money from taxes. While realistically we won't reach 100% of full productivity, we should ask ourselves why so many eCanadians don't feel connected enough to even two-click.

The Bloc thinks that people are starting to reexamine things, if slowly. Yesterday, a high-profile eCanadian said, "Canadians are too regionalistic to have an effective Fortress Strategy," a point the Bloc has been advancing since its creation. Yet the reaction to most of the Bloc's proposals has been, "Like that will ever happen." Well, of course, with that attitude they're right.

A major criticism of the Bloc's proposals is cost. Things cost money, this is true. Money can always be raised, though. Is saving money always the best choice? To put it another way, we are being very fiscally responsible by not being in a major war right now. We don't have to spend money on weapons, we don't have to spend gold on declaring wars, we don't have to worry about losing the gold in our treasury, we're not taking the chance of losing our hospitals and the investment we made - these are all very responsible decisions. But the Bloc thinks most people would agree that right now, times are kind of boring in eCanada.

On the other hand, a simple mistake of forgetting to end a war resulted in one of the most, if not the most, defining moment in eCanadian history. Similarly, a new hospital is expensive. But think of the ability to motivate two-clickers to come in to work; think of the profits that business owners will make from the increased demand; think of the pride we will feel when it's finally built.

If people want proof of the concept, look at the Union Nationale. Think of how much airtime on 'No Pants, No Secrets' would be empty if someone didn't say, "We're not happy with a monolingual eCanada, and we should change it." Conventional wisdom says that we should keep RL issues out, but where's the fun in that? Or, take the example of the New Atlantic Reform Coalition's work to privately fundraise hospitals across Atlantic eCanada, and the pride and renewed commitment to eCanada that it has generated. Conventional wisdom says that new hospitals are a waste of money, so why did they put in so much effort?

For a while now, people have kept themselves in the mindset of the status quo. The Bloc says it's okay to try new things, and offers the choice of not only being Unhappy With The Status Quo, but doing something about it.

Choose to be Unhappy With The Status Quo. Choose Your eCanada. Choose the Bloc.