[bloc|en] Choose Our Linguistic Diversity. Choose the Bloc.

Day 849, 12:16 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc
disponible au Français

The Bloc Canadien is a party that believes Our Linguistic Diversity Is A Strength, and proposes funding the Office Francophone so that all eCanadians may access it free of charge. By supporting our Francophone citizens, the Bloc believes that eCanada can become the main Francophone nation in the New World, even if eFrance should rise from the ashes.

So what?

As an Anglophone, I have nothing but respect and awe at the explosive growth of the Union Nationale. While they are taking a RL issue, the place of Quebecois and the French language in Canada, they are using that to motivate people to become more involved in eCanada. Some, mostly supporters of the status quo, have said that RL issues have no place in the New World and bilingualism is one of them, and so the government should not focus on it as much as it currently does.

The Bloc disagrees, and declares that bilingualism is awesome. As the Bloc has previously stated, the government should encourage whatever reason people become initially engaged in the New World in order to keep them going and strengthen the activity of our citizens.

In a perfect world, all eCanadians would be bilingual, choosing to use whatever language they prefer. But, like in the real world, that is not the case. This is why the government has created the Office Francophone, in order to facilitate communication between monolingual eCanadians on both sides. The Bloc agrees with this action, and is pleased to see the government responding to the wishes of eCanadians.

The downside is that it is such a monumental task to translate, in an accurate and speedy manner, that translators in the Office Francophone must be compensated. Currently, the government chooses to shift this charge to eCanadians. The Bloc asserts that bilingualism has become such a fundamental characteristic of eCanada that the government must facilitate this at all costs, and so proposes that the budget fully funds the Office Francophone so eCanadians may use its services free of charge.

Another reason that the Bloc supports bilingualism in eCanada is that it can only strategically benefit us in the New World. As new nations are added to the New World, many of them will be Francophone and we will be poised to welcome them as a natural ally of eCanada, as opposed to them being welcomed as a natural ally of eFrance should it return.

On another, more lighthearted level, the Bloc sees the strengthening of French in eCanada as a nice jab at eFrance. How awesome would it be if the premier defender of the French language was eCanada? Maybe eFrance conquered eCanada geographically for five days, but we can conquer them for much, much longer culturally, and the Bloc feels that anything bad that can happen to eFrance is a good thing for eCanada and the rest of the New World.

The Bloc can only see good things from our bilingual history and policy, and calls for eCanada's commitment to bilingualism to be strengthened and enhanced. One way that the government can do this is to fully fund the Office Francophone so that all eCanadians may use its services free of charge.

Choose to see that Our Linguistic Diversity is a Strength. Choose Your eCanada. Choose the Bloc Canadien.