[bloc|en] Choose a Strong National Defence. Choose the Bloc.

Day 850, 00:39 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc
The Bloc Canadien is a party that believes in a Strong National Defence. As we prepare for V2, the Bloc believes that all provinces should have a defence system of some sort, so that if another invasion comes, we will be ready. The Bloc feels that the current 'fortress' strategy is not well-suited for eCanada's circumstances, and as is currently implemented would sacrifice some of eCanada's most valuable provinces such as Nunavut and British Columbia

So why hate on the 'fortress' strategy?

Supporters of the 'fortress' strategy point to eCanada's inability to overtake London in Operation Teabag as a success of the 'fortress' strategy. While this may be partially true, the Bloc's assessment is that London was primarily protected by the eUnited Kingdom's 18 MPPs and eCanada's lack of MPPs as we went into battle. The Bloc also notes that the eUnited Kingdom chose one fortress province, rather than three as eCanada has done.

Besides, if the 'fortress' strategy was such a success for eCanada, why were Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec conquered in World War III? Shouldn't our correct application of the 'fortress' strategy have saved us from obliteration? Clearly, it did not. Also, the Bloc points out that if there was a widespread consensus on the 'fortress' strategy, eCanadians agree with the logic in it and 99% of eCanadians would live in a fortress province, instead of the 80% that currently do.

The Bloc chooses to acknowledge reality, and accept that people are going to live in whatever province they want to. If it were not the case, British Columbia would be empty, for example. People's feelings of strong attachments to their province keeps eCanadians engaged, and the Bloc asserts that the government should be doing whatever it can to keep eCanadians engaged.

Working to the logical conclusion of the 'fortress' strategy, if we are to fall back to three provinces, we are to abandon all other provinces. What kind of message does that send to eCanadians in Prince Edward Island, that the government of eCanada is willing to sacrifice their province? Is it one that supports their reason for continuing to play? Clearly not. Why is the government discouraging people's reasons for playing?

Even if we disregard regionalism, the Bloc points out that our current application of the 'fortress' strategy leaves some of our most valuable provinces vulnerable in V2. It's been announced that Nunavut and the Northwest Territories will be two of the nine high titanium regions in V2. With a low population and no defense system, though, it will only take probably 33000 defense points for someone to take over these provinces if we were to be attacked tomorrow. Who's to say that eCanada won't be attacked tomorrow because Phoenix is trying to prepare for V2? Are we prepared for that now? Why not use the 'fortress' strategy to protect these provinces, and encourage mass emigration to Nunavut?

The Bloc sees no answer to these questions other than that we do things because it is the way it has been. This is not an acceptable answer. As we examine every aspect of eCanadian policy in order to prepare for V2, it becomes clear that we must reconsider our military policy. We must prepare for the worst, because eCanada's survival is worth any cost. We must build a defence system for every province.

Choose a Strong National Defence. Choose Your eCanada. Choose the Bloc.