[BGBW]Pakistan's Hidden Propaganda

Day 836, 11:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by BGBW

As many of you know, Pakistan is very proud of the creative efforts its citizens have demonstrated when it comes to Pakistani propaganda. However while many are aware of our "Pride Power Pakistan" chants and our Dioist movement, some propaganda was so subtle that many countries have gone as far as praising the works oblivious to the fact they are following the Pakistan way of life. What I am talking about is the works of Hayao Miyazaki. What many people don't realise is that many of Hayao Miyazaki films are funded by the Dioist Council to spread the messages of Peace, Sand and Moé. So effective it was that even J/a/pan was fooled and the US gave awards for the works. Now you're probably thinking I'm just pulling your leg, but let me present to you one of his more famous films, Spirited Away, and I'm sure the results speak for themselves.


Our heroine in the story. Now before you say "Isn't Pakistan just for Manly Men such as myself?" and I'll say you need to re-read the Book of Dio twenty more times and praise Dio for forgiveness for such an offensive statement. Pakistan was one of the first countries to adopt equal rights for all three sexes (male, female and trap) since there was never a time it didn't have equal rights. Was it not The Boss who developed the secret technique of Pakistani CQC? Indeed our mascot in the war effort was none other than Paki-tan. And of course the most famous example is that anyone is welcome to be part of Dio's harem. In fact I should point out it is a tradition of Miyazaki's to have strong female leads to reflect the way of Pakistani life.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let's draw our focus back to Chihiro. The first thing I'd like you to notice is her attire. Notice anything?

Of course, she is proudly wearing the colours of Pakistan, green and white.

Through her eyes we'll see the disastrous effect capitalism can have on individuals and how through simple Pakistani principles, like caring, love and broship she helps them.

Of course her main goal is to save her parents who have fallen foul of a great disaster, pig disgustingness.

I could probably stop right here as I think this image quite clearly shows the Pro Pakistani message. Don't be greedy, don't be pig.

The Bathhouse of Capitalism

This is the main location of the film and home to everything bad in the world. For example just look at how just one set of workers are portraye😛

There's no individualism. In capitalist countries all workers are seen as the same and treated the same, slaves.

I must point out that later these characters are treated better after encountering our heroine after she softens the heart of their boss.

Chihiro is not immune to all this as in order to stay in the bathhouse she too must give up her identity to work there so she can save her parents. In fact the plot will later reveal that this is what is preventing her from leaving the bathhouse. Individualism is anti-capitalism!

Now there is one character in this film called No-Face.

He is a lost soul who has not found Dio. So when he enters the bathhouse he is not immune to the curse like our heroine and becomes deeply influenced by the rest of the staff's greedy ways.

A greedy worker becomes mesmerised by the one thing he cares about. It's at this point that No-Face learns that the only way to succeed is to have lots of gold.

The mess continues as capitalism slowly transforms No-Face into a fat cat while the rest plea for more gold. Everyone is at his feet, surely this is what life is all about eh?

But through Dio's message through Chihiro, No-Face soon recovers. He learns that after all that, the one thing he really wanted was her friendship and that is one thing gold cannot obtain.

As you can see yhe film clearly explains that it is capitalism that corrupts the poor fellow. But following the path of Dio (Chihiro) he becomes blessed.

And for those who thought they could solve their problems with just gold.


So I hope you all learnt something today. There's actually more lessons in the film that I haven't covered and there are more of Miyazaki's films that are Pakistani funded so be sure to be on a look out for those. Might I suggest we all have another viewing of this wonderful film and learn from the messages within.