Day 1,091, 03:06 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice


Good morning, Good afternoon, and Good evening for all of you

If you were following eNew Zealand events, you might be tented by the dark and evil spirits to think that New Zealand is in bad situation. You might argue that we are under PTO risk! You may even have the audacity to cite the PTO events, which does not exist. A vice president trying to PTO a party despite forum vote! but who said forum votes are democratic? I encourage the vice president to go on, if he wins, the rest of us will cooperate with him.. it happened once, it will happen again! Another party have a different story! It is not about vice presidents, but two ministers who are fighting hard to PTO one party. One is visionary, he changed the unity party name! why that was good! simply, because there is no more unity, he won't lie to people! Chapeau! The only vice, is that he had chosen a weired name that has nothing to do with politics nor with New Zealand! His program is as difficult to understand as Calculus, but i will try to explain. Give money to the army; basta; full stop. His opponent is an economist. He wants to create a party on the theme of farming, which is very nice. He got an inspiring logo. What worries me, that i am not sure of the kind of farming he advocates! Seeing our income tax, i think that we are the farm that is going to be farmed ! Among the big parties we have that oasis of peace, where everything is predetermined, the party of the wolves.. wolves, who said that.. they are now our friends and partners in the government, except that we do not see their activities nor their participation in the community! they like to remain silent. Yet i am not saying that it is bad. Judging from what politicians say, i would prefer the silent ones!

I hope i have helped you decide which candidate to vote for, (bonne voting)

but you don't have to believe me