[Ash] A Memorable Victory and An Old Foe

Day 2,709, 10:14 Published in India India by Ashwamaedh

Hi Guys,

Our Dictator Mr. Windfall is taking his role seriously and is solely focusing on waging war and making sure we are in a strong position from enemies that would like nothing more than to dislodge our brothers from India.

As we all saw, Iran came through a long way and tried to push Bulgaria out of India with some insane COs (well we all know Iran is famous for their COs and we all also know how they get their currency, so let's not go there!) Let's just cut to the chase - if you ever wanted to see how to fail spectacularly, then Iran showed it. Its the usual bravado, chest thumping "dine in hell" brouhaha and then complete failure. In fact they are struggling to retain their Armenian colonies at this point of time! Bulgaria have pretty much showed that although they are much lower in strength than Asteria, they have the heart to stand tall against all odds. No one can fail to admire their show of strength and solidarity and their will to give it their all.

The angry Bulgarian lion

Now onto the other updates

This serious attack by Iran meant that a lot of war planning had to be done late in the night and decisions had to be taken on the spot. Unfortunately this meant that a number of our guys could not get involved in the planning and execution and thus missed out on the fun/excitement. This will be rectified and going forward it is very important for some of our newer active players to be involved and anyone who wishes to take over the mantle please raise your hands and mention your names below so we can include you in the strategic team and phase ourselves out.

(I have to admit I was not present that often as well...all the hard work was done by Obelisk the Tormentor and the ever helpful Zeliot Heisenberg) Shout out to the guys for planning it all with the ever present windfall, mattrim cauthon and of course the old fox Stoich!

now in the last few days, there was an interesting discussion as well about regions that India should have.

Thanks to our low population, too many regions will not really help us at all and thanks to Dictatorship (which is a necessary evil) Congress medals do not bring in gold and having many regions does not make much sense.

In fact it opens the door for Air Strikes by hostile nations who would rather see us completely wiped! However, BG have always been a friend and for Congress they will always release as many regions as seems feasible. There is no one more trustworthy and close to India in this game than BG and I would invite some of our newer players who might be wondering what the fuss is all about to have a group session and interact with some of cool BG dudes and know for yourself. Again, whoever wants to do this, please do mention your names below...I can see quite a few active new players and it would be awesome to have them take guard and be the next wave from our side!

Onto the FINAL BIT then... WAR PRIORITIES (Iran and sigh... Pest-istan)

At the moment, its all hands on deck to kick out Iran after which its the usual pest from the West that needs to be squashed. The friendly neighbourhood obsessive Dictator next door - TheJakal, has proposed Natural Enemy law on India ostensibly to get more regions. Of course he cannot ask his own regions from Turkey as they will not give them because he made a tri partite deal with Turkey and iran about regions in order to try and get Bulgaria out and of course have his virtual piece of "kashmiri heaven".

There were also other talks of Training Wars which Obelisk and windfall were trying to look at but my personal opinion is - can anyone really trust someone who did the ultimate hostile act and spent money trying to install a Dictatorship here and steal our funds? Can anyone trust someone who makes deals with his allies AND enemies? who changes MPPs as it suits them? Its your call! If you all feel that a Training War is a good option, please do make it known!

My personal opinion (for what its worth) is "I do not do any Training with those who commit the ultimate act of hostility..." but I am just one among you and not too active that too so my opinion does not count as much!

Make yourselves heard and voice your opinion!

that's about it...next update will be here sometime soon! 😃