[Asgard HQ] Quarter of term gone - so is Belarus

Day 2,189, 14:38 Published in Norway Finland by WP Attak

Original here (vote both articles please!):
Same in Finland media:

One down, three to go.

Today we achieved a milestone in our journey towards free, independent Fennoscandia. Thanks to the newly added Freedom Fighter-medal and effective coordination along with successful change of initiative in the battle of Åland, Asgard-friendly troops managed to push Belarussian soldiers to the north and ultimately extinguish them in the battle of Oulu.This means that we have liberated the last region which still suffered from Belarussian occupation, and forced them back to their core regions behind Lithuania.
Good job!

However, we still got plenty of fighting to do. Shortly after the liberation of Oulu, United Kingdom declared Finland as their natural enemy. Further more, Lapland and Korvatunturi (along with Santa Claus!) were occupied by UK already. Resistance was gathered and RW opened to liberate the last still occupied region of Finland.
A major bow for everyone who helped Asgard during these tough battles. Thank you.

During the week we've been concentrating on pushing Belarus out of Asgard regions. Once we got this done and thereby reduced the number of enemies, next priority will be to get rid of both Lithuania and United Kingdom, to liberate Sweden and Norway who have been stamped down by brutal occupation for too long. I'm not saying it will be easy, but with soldiers like you on our side we'll succeed.
