[Army of Northern Virginia] Join the best of the small parties MU!!!!

Day 2,548, 19:31 Published in USA USA by SAR97

Welcome to the Army of Northern Virginia Headquarters! We were founded by General Stonewall Jackson, and controlled by Dixie Liberation Front as a part of Dixie Liberation Front. We are small but alive party to help out this great country in time of war.

We currently support you by paygrades: Start from 1cc day to 12 cc a day, with bonus. The bonus are if you're in the party auto 3 cc bonus and if you apply for the mega bonus all the number in your strength is add together plus whatever your level is plus your daily cc pay.

Currently, we have a very little member base with many members coming from mainly the Dixie Liberation Front, but we do accept members from other parties, and even other eCountries, as long as they are willing to follow our orders. We are proud to be supporters of the Confederate States of America!

What are the requirements?
None, we accept anyone!

Army website link: http://dixieliberation.weebly.com/army.html

Current Staff
Commanding General: General Stonewall Jackson
Sargent: sobbakkas | 1st Sniper Comapny Squad A
Corporal: Alexander Atem | 1st Sniper Company Squad A, SAR97 | 1st Infantry Company Squad A