№ 6 - Join the army, grab a weapon!

Day 52, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

March lies in wait which means the war function will be released and the armies of Sweden and Pakistan will be unleashed.

What we do have is a relatively large army, compared to our own population size.
However, the Italian weapon market is dead. This is the alarming sign of an unprepared army.
The lack of weapons among the soldiers is frightening.

The issue is one of decisive importance for Italys freedom and independence.
Our ≈125(maximum) unarmed soldiers will neither be able to defend our borders nor spread the Italian civilization abroad.
It is sad to affirm, furthermore, that both the French and the Romanians outnumbers us. And the threat from the north is inevitable.
Weapons will help our soldiers to improve their strength during wars.
Stronger army equals safer country.

Strong Futurer currently offers quality 2 weapons for fair prices.
Whilist my own company offers quality 1 weapons for the price of a piece of bread, and all non-profitable.

Difendi la Patria contro qualsiasi invasore.