№ 4 - My foreign policy is "Nothing for Nothing".

Day 47, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

As swedish majority party Flashback Sweden keep exposing their imperialistic worldview and praise them self for imposing threats on neighbouring countries I've started to overlook different foreign threats toward our nation, Italy.

In a press release from earlier today Flashback Sweden claims the world trembles before their military strength.
It's said that higher representative of Romania have offered Sweden a Non-Aggressive Pact which is being seriously under consideration.

Flashback also brag about how they've made their neighbours in Norway contact the United Kingdom and Ireland in order to erect a military pact against Sweden.

Sweden also turned down an offer made by Mexico surrounding a proposal of weapon trades.
Source: http://www.erepublik.com/press_release-594.html

However, the government of Italy should not act in the same pathetic way as Norway nor the same way as the Romanians.
It's in my opinion that Italy should pursue an independent foreign policy, releasing "nothing for nothing".