№ 3 - Flashback Sweden keeps another promise!

Day 46, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

Recent press release from the swedish party Flashback Sweden states that their party has kept another campaign promise by ensuring hospitals in each region of the country.

"FBS promised earlier that we would guarantee one hospital in each regions, there has been several inquiries about how this would be done since the national government cannot donate or lend money to regions, companies or private persons.

We then chose to do it in the only way there is, through the money market, I personally placed scammers' bids which I required 3000SEK for one gold on the market and then let the state buy the gold for that amount of money.

Next step was to donate this money to the regions, which is done and each and every region in the country now have a stable capital of 3000 SEK in their funds. This money will be used to buy hospitals of highest quality possible.

This venture will increase the wellness for all citizens within the country borders."
- http://www.erepublik.com/press_release-588.html

Intresting way of having to do it. One might ask admins if governments shouldn't be able to finance their own regions directly.
And the Swedes keep improving.