№ 2 - Welfare comes from the Left!

Day 45, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

Earlier today left-wing party Infinity published a press release including some short-term points that the party will try to achieve with the country.
Among other things they will try to increase the capital of the state and build more hospitals.

Since there probably is people in this country who do not understand the Italian language, I will write my own summaries of all upcoming leftist press releases in english, unless the original release is in english itself.

The programme consists of three main objectives which are quite tied up with each other.
The idea is to increase the capital of the state in order to finance companies who wish to expand abroad and this will by time lead to increased wealth for the average Italian worker.

According to Infinity, the former government wasted around 190 gold, which is the clearest evidence of right-wing inferity.

As mentioned above, Infinity promises more hospitals for the densely populated cities which will probably go side by side with their promise to decrease the unemployment rate.