[Ambassador] Bulgarian - Ukrainian War has started!

Day 1,712, 16:50 Published in Switzerland Bulgaria by NIKrumov

After yesterday the law that has been proposed by Absfresh who actually proposed it as a taunt to Ukraina caused an emergency meeting in their congress and debate whether they accept the law or not.
After a few hours the law was 19:0 so it was obvious that they are gonna to accept it.

Just a bit after the law was accepted the attack on Taurida was launched.Bulgarians won the battle prety easy and they conquered the region.

Currently there is an battle for Zaporozhia

That war should be considered as a brave act for the Bulgarians as they currently are in a war with Turkey and it would be hard for them to maintain two wars for a long time.

In my opinion Bulgaria will start loosing as soon as they get too much occupied territories.It is hard to secure two RW's and a direct battle every day.

Who will win? Will Bulgaria be able to fight on two fronts?
Will Bulgaria be able avenge Ukraina's betrayal?
I don't know, we'll see.
I'll keep you informed for anything interesting that is happening there.

Swiss Ambassador to Bulgaria