[AC] Disappointing news and moves

Day 750, 23:56 Published in Malaysia Cyprus by OmniCorp Holding
After reading all the articles of last few days we feel the necessity to write our opinion about current domestic and foreign political situation.

We feel very sorry to see Malaysia is turning into something whole different thing than before. No matter how sweet the Government trying to explain their policy is all about neutrality and peace-love-unity the facts say otherwise.

1.) The eJapan case
eJapan was and is our ally. Former Sol member now war-game participant and friendly country that helped all they can when we were in trouble. And what got they in return? Staying away from their struggle to reserve their territory, 'cause some shitty concept of "greater good".

What kind of greater good can come from betraying our allies? What kind of greater good can come from raping a country against it's will to pass through a juggernaut to wage war somewhere else? What kind of greater good can come from crying out a river when we are in danger then pissing off our allies when they are in same situation?

We can only think only one motif: to collaborate E/B, no matter the price, no matter how our former allies think about that, no matter how our "non-aggressive stance" can afford it, no matter how our backbone diminish during the process of doing so.

2.) eIndonesia: the country of almost doing something great

And here we go to our beloved topic: we are in a constant fear of eIndonesia the big fat boy living right next door. Yes, they can put up a good fight they can tanking down some hundreds of bricks from any wall, they can afford spending shitloads of gold to devastate us.

But they are completely unable to keep us occupied if they once managed themselves to capture all three regions of us. They were unable to conquer eUSA only for one day and they were unable to hold their conquered regions there too.

We feel sorry for them. Really. It seems they don't get the concept of this game yet and as far as we can judge they give up trying. Besides they can intimidate only small nations carefully avoiding any fight involving big hitters nowadays. They really got old and tired.

But: what to do with them? In our opinion we should try to help them to realize their goals in this game maybe we can teach them some basic elements of strategic planning and diplomacy. (ie.: messing up with countries that have no problem with you before instead of focusing at your enemies and helping your allies is bad. Try to spam the media with cheap propaganda is bad. Setting up baby-boom based on pure nationalisms hurt you badly in the long run. Destabilizing your very surrounding areas is bad etc.)

So we sees the situation with even increasing worry. Malaysia is throwing aside all of its former merits and try to play this game as some of the real badasses do.
Maybe we should waking up and try to find our roots before it's too late.

leader of OmniCorp
party president of Adeptus Custodes