A New Era of Friendship in South-East Asia

Day 841, 20:28 Published in Singapore Indonesia by ostin



A Picture of South East Asia in RL

Well in Erep SE Asia Consists of :






5 Great Nations in all.

This is a game and Size does matter here but i believe every nation is unique here.

I believe that Every nation is Great . Every citizen is Unique.

Yes we have a big population in this game in SE Asia but things can change overnight. Tomorrow Thailand or Malaya can have a superb baby boom and can be on top . Ex Poland who has the largest population as of today and Brazil who has the second largest population as of today.

I still remember France at one point of time had the largest population but not anymore.

Well i believe that being neighbors and instead of fighting each other in this battle no one seems to be at peace. I understand everyone is concerned as to when and where there will be the next attack.

Gold is very scarce now and every one knows the reason why.

This gold we have to preserve it and use it for a better purpose and not for war . sure we need war to run this game but we must choose it wisely.

Being neighbors i personally believe we can co-operate a lot.

A good example of neighbor economic co-operation will be : Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.

It nice to see that how these three nations cooperate with each other and benefit each other so there is a region of mutual trust and benefit and not of hate. what ever the reason maybe but they are together here.

So why cant we do it?

Some points to note as to how we can do it.


1. To pump Gold more in the economy (using gold wisely).
2. Grow our population together.
3. Each nation has Wood/Oil/Q5 Guns so we can export it to the eWorld combined.
4. Setup factories like Tanks, Rifles, Artillery etc in each others countries when the new module comes up.
5. In the new module we need Carpenters, Marketing Managers, Producer, Architects etc so we need players from each others country.
6. One country can setup factories in other Country and vice versa.


1. We can use our Gold for better MPP rather than have it for our own wars.
2. Soldiers can go to each other countries freely and fight in wars for training.
3. The Malay-Phil TW is for the betterment of 25+ nations and it should go smoothly.
4. Every citizen of SE ASIA gets to fight everyday without any hassles and earn experience points everyday.

1. To Create a bond of mutual friendship and trust.
2. Let Bygones be Bygones and let us forget what has happened. let it not come again. every one has a dark history but what we can is to look for the glorious future.
3. Lets have fun in each others chat room in IRC

This is my opinion. I would request all the Presidents of SE Asia and Sol Chairman and Director to see this message.
I hope to meet up with you soon as i will be online for few days.
Let us have a new beginning in the best way possible and i know everyone wants this for a much better future.
I know it is difficult to embark on new journey as it is always cumbersome to start a new endeavor but we can try the first step.
I know we are in different alliances but here i am not speaking for or against any particular alliances but as a Neighbor in South East Asia.
Plz so let me know all your opinions.

Let the candle glow brightly . Let us light up South East Asia.

For a Golden Era in South Asia.
For Mutual Trust.
For Friendship.

United South East Asia.
Hail South East Asia.

South East Asiamaxxx

The Chairman of SOL comments Below Kryteshyft

"Southeast Asia for the win! 😃.
Right now I think we're pursuing a lot of the goals you mentioned. We're happily in a time of peace, all of us but Indonesia are working together extensively in Sol (Hint hint, Indonesia, maybe you should join up 😛), and the Nusantara project for friendship between Indo, Malaysia, and Singapore has been going well too 🙂. "

Thanks & Regards,