Прощай, оковы! / A Farewell to Chains [РУС/ENG]

Day 629, 03:28 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Describer

Только вместе и только вперед, к победе коммунизма!

"Всё то, против чего враг борется, мы должны поддерживать, а против всего того, что враг поддерживает, мы должны бороться" - товарищ Мао

Но долго так не может продолжатся. Близок день, когда трудовой народ еУкраины заявит о себе и поставит паразитирующие классы туда, где их место - в музее истории.
Следите за развитием событий, наша газета будет оперативно информировать вас о победной поступи свободы, равенства и справедливости! Слава социалистической Украине!

Only together and only forward, to the victory of communism!

"We must support everything our enemy discourages and discourage everything our enemy supports" – comrade Mao

In eWorld, enslaved by aggressive imperialists as it is, every honest man from the very beginning of his life feels how bloodthirsty kinglets rip him off. Without restraint and trying to control his every move, they take away all possibilities for physical and spiritual growth. Leaving simple worker and peasant alone with with pitiful piece of bread as a daily ration and rusty gun as a weapon they suck out all his resources, both physical and moral, forcing him to fight in conquest wars and brainwashing conscience with propaganda and threats of foreign occupation. In young and seemingly independent Ukraine, in the mortherland of such a great political philosophers as Trotsky and Makhno, in a short period of time bourgeois elite, a marionette of Hungarian imperialists, came to power. While in office they don’t forget to lower minimum wage to the size of slave’s rate, leaving inexperienced eUkrainian youth with joyless choice – to die of hunger or to beg for alms from the very same kinglets, founding themselves in obligatory situation of where you need to return good and loyalty for this questionable good. Meanwhile, rich country’s resources being ripped apart, democracy is replaced by regime of oligarch clans. Workers, peasants and intelligentsia are stripped of any real power, state is under oppression of capitalists and military junta.

But this cant go on forever. The day when working people of eUkraine will make their voice heard is near. They shall move parasite classes in the place where they belong – museum of history.
Follow the timeline of events with our newspaper and you will be first to know about victorious footsteps of freedom, equality and justice! Glory to the socialist Ukraine!