[9] Tous à l'ouest [eGermany]

Day 719, 06:58 Published in Germany Saudi Arabia by voice
Episode 9


Tous à l'ouest

in French = All to the west

It had been long time since episode 8. I left eRomanian, still in its dark ages, but with good memories about that ancient empire. The people were nice and friendly, and have great sense of humor. Certainly the image we had of a brutal hordes of invaders who massacred Asia, certainly is NOT true.

After leaving Romania, i passed through to eBosnia, a country sunk into its own problems. I did not stay there for long time, i just did the usual, working and training. I took sometime to visit Slovakia. This country is dead. One of the poorest and worst economies in the whole world. Worst, they do not seem to have any problem with that. UPDATE: recently Hungary had swallowed the weak and defenseless nation of Slovakia. Personally, i would have condemned this imperialism by Hungary, but really i think it is GOOD. Hungary will bring modernity and development to this poor nation, and i call for all slovak friends to accept being annexed to the great Hungary. It is better for them.

Into the Heart of Europe

Germany is beautiful, active, salaries are good, and economy is active, though it is not that military powerhouse. In the eHistory as in RL, Germany had seen dark times, divided, occupied, and almost destroyed. It was invaded by Sweden, and to its defense, France and PEACE came to invade the rest of it. And from that, it resurrected as one nation

La Dolce Vita
Leaving Germany, i headed south to Italy. The sweet life is there, just as in RL. The food is nice. The history. and the romance. Ah, and did i say the musical Language.

La Capitale Mondiale
From Italy I headed to Paris. eFrance is one of the biggest nations. It is a strong country with worldwide influence. It engaged in successful campaigns in North America, in Spain, and in the past managed to defend itself against former Atlantis invasion. France had shown its quality as a graveyard to foreign invasions. Behind all that, an active political life, recruitment, and very organized system. I recommend the French System as study model for countries wishing to develop themselves into this eWorld.

The Empire with Big Choices

Next step was United Kingdom. This very active empire is all but United. Great division and rivalry in its political life. The choice to ally itself with PEACE had created lot of divisions. As in RL, the English are the masters of politics, and with small country, they -through intelligent choices and well chosen politic- raised to the ranks of the big boys in the eWorld. In England i met many friends, and we had lot of discussions. we met some officials there. The English Gentleman picture is no less true here. There was things that happened, nice offers that i will not reveal now! wait for some surprises 🙂 Really, this country with balanced relationships can be the ideal mediator and judge of the whole world.

The Great North
From England to the great northern white big hockey. I met people who are very happy for liberating their country. Except for that, there is nothing of interest except their addiction to Ice Hockey.


The Land of The Free and the home of the brave
USA is the enemy. That is what we learn in PEACE schools, especially after the hibernation of eRomania. USA is big, mighty, populous, and supported lot of wars and rebel movements against PEACE countries. It cheated Portugal, attacked France, hit PEACE in its own backyard in Asia. More they stabbed back ATLANTIS and caused its demise when former highly pragmatic and controversial president Scrabman decided to support Sweden over Germany.

Despite all that, USA deserve the utmost respect. Reduced to almost one region after massive PEACE coalition offensive on its soil, the USA managed to regain almost all its original land thanks to a mix of well planned military operations and good pragmatic diplomacy. Chapeau for the USA!

Naturally as you have guessed, i am moving to Mexico... and the voyage continues.. into the next episode... so STAY TUNED

with Love, to all Iranians, Romanians, Slovaks, Bosnians, Germans, Italians, French, English, Canadians, and Americans. and to all eRepublikans