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Day 867, 16:15 Published in Greece Greece by Che Greco

1. I found eRepublik from an advertisment on a website. I was ready to exit my browser until I saw every region of Greece was annexed by Turkey. I sometimes wonder if things would have been any different had I never joined.

2. When I joined the game I got into a fight with EVERY Greek player. We're now all good friends (I still insist that I was right and they were wrong 😛.)

3. I have the most respect for the players with whom I've argued and continue to argue the most.

4. My favourite medal is my first resistance hero I am the liberator of LAh IhLAh CANARIAh.

5. Geokos is one of the greatest people I've ever met. If it wasn't for him and Jaguaros I would have quit this game a very long time ago.

6. Five days after I was first elected president I had a very bad accident and my right hand was in a cast for 2 months. Geokos had to write all my articles. I owe him. A LOT.

7. I once lost 1000 gold on the monetary market. Geokos helped me pay back some of the money but a young player who I had never heard of sent me 50 gold to help me out too. I had no idea who he was but his actions gave me hope for the future of my country. I paid back the country within two weeks and the rest within a month.

8. I spent over 100 gold to get my first battle hero medal competing for it against one of Romania's strongest players. You never forget your first time.

9. I proposed a law from my hospital bed. Considering my sedation it was probably one of my dumbest actions (after #7 of course).

10. I invited many of my relatives to play this game and some have stuck around till today. I say hello through PMs every now and then.

11. I created Greece's first Q4 company back when nobody had houses and there were no wars. I had to send people to Romania to fight every time they reached 50 wellness to get their health back up.

12. I've been finding the game increasingly boring lately. Hence this article.

13. I have averaged about 1 gold per day the past week by receiving my 10% commission from the players I have invited to the game. Aside from one person (who received 4,98 gold) none of them have received more than a 4,7 gold reward.

14. Today I received my 14th hard-worker medal.

Από την εφημερίδα ZITO I ELLAS του e-μακαρίτη Mounage

THRACE, Greece – APRIL 7th, 2009

1 GRD = .006 gold  Top Seller – “Myrmidons Bank” – 5833.5 GRD
1 GOLD = 187.88 (Recommended Exch. Rate)  Best Deal – “Saden50” – 1 Gold/190 GRD

Allies : USA – Expires in 22 Days
Active Battles : NONE
Active Resistance Wars : NONE

Party Leader Elections : 7 Days
Current President – Efthimios Pappas (Started Resistance War to free Thrace from Turkey)
New Candidates – Makoulian (Current Country President)
Congressmen Elections : 17 Days
Current Members of Congress - 10
Country Presidency Elections : 27 Days
Current President - Makoulian