[10] The southern hemisphere [eBRAZIL]

Day 738, 12:24 Published in Brazil Saudi Arabia by voice
Around the World

episode 10:

Last time i wrote about eUSA. A country and a continent, a world by itself, a world that sometimes look like disconnected from the rest of eWorld. After a nice and enjoyable stay in eUSA, i crossed the boarder south to Mexico. The first spanish speaking country in my voyage.


no errors made. Spanish might be the only language that uses inverted marks as well as straight ones! Mexico is a big country that have no reliable source of grain. For its food they buy from the international markets or from licensed foreign companies.

nevertheless, eMexicans do make very nice eFood, like eFajita, and eTaco

everything there is nice once you pass the boarders, because eGuapo does not joke.. especially with those coming from the land of Los Gringos "USA"

After Mexico, i went to Columbia. in the eWorld, there are no eCocaine gangs, no eWar within the country. It is peaceful and rich, and once it occupied oil rich American state of Texas!

from columbia, i travelled over the amazon to reach the most powerful state in the southern hemisphere, that is BRAZIL.


This country is currently the 13th in population. Have 1% only as revenue tax !!! This country have high regions in every raw despite not being so big country. So what do you want more to look for Brazil as investment environment? (pssst. how much you will pay me Brazilian minister of economy)

well, that is for business people, but for tourists, there is the Brazilian beaches like copacabana

Attention tourists, especially Americans. Brazil speak Brazilian Portuguese not Spanish! confuse the two and say goodbye to your calm nice vacation!!

The only African country
i used my stay in Brazil to South Africa, the only nation in the biggest gray mass on eEarth called Africa. eAfrica is strangely under represented in the eWorld. Admins might say they do not have much players from Africa, or think that weak African economies in general do not allow them to participate and be profitable.
in my opinion that is illogical argument! you had Pakistan! you had North Korea! and Philipines! these are not particularly rich countries! and their populations are not larger than many african nations! Add Nigeria or Cameroon, and i am sure many people will move their... there are lots of French and Americans who might be interested to play in Africa. there are potential in these countries! What about Arab countries north to Sahara. Algeria, Egypt, Morroco, are very populous nations, with good internet connectivity and certainly more potential than North Korea! i am sure many Arabs from rich countries will join in once they see an Arab country, add to that if Arabic Language is implemented.. just look at Travian, they had Arab language Emirati servers and now opening Saudi Servers and Egyptian Servers!

any way, i left back sad that Africa is artificial de-populated and its only representative is a weak divided largely occupied nation.

The sons of sun
back to south America, i continued my tour, visiting the promising new state of Peru, a state that is expected to be something big, only if they can have a babyboom. If they do, i will notbe surprised to see them the next Hungary or Indonesia.. keep your eyes on them

Before leaving south America, i needed to have some quite days to forget my sadness. So i went into Ushuaia, Argentina

just look for it in Google, look at it in Google Earth, and if you can; go there in Real Life and you will thank me for that!

Till next Episode, Enjoy more photos of Ushuaia, the southernmost city of the world
