Контракт на продажу компании - пользуйтесь!

Day 694, 07:59 Published in Russia Russia by N1kky

Добрый день, коллеги.

Занимаюсь сейчас продажей компании в рассрочку, возникла необходимость в контракте. Думаю он будет полезен не только мне. Пользуйтесь) ))) В квадратных скобках поля для заполнения. Комментарии курсивом.

THIS CONTRACT (hereinafter referred to as “Contract”) is effective as of the __ day of the New World, between [username, profile URL] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") representing [himself/organization, org profile URL] and [username, profile URL] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") representing [himself/organization, org profile URL] (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”).

1. Scope of agreement
Seller agrees to sell [company name, company profile URL] (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) to Buyer on terms and conditions set forth below.

2. Terms and conditions
2.1 Price and payment terms
2.1.1 The price of Company is set at [x gold].
2.1.2 Seller shall put Company for sale at “Companies for sale” market at the price agreed in Clause 2.1 within 24 hours after Contract is signed by both parties.
2.1.3 Seller agrees to donate [x gold] to Buyer within 24 hours after Contract is signed by both parties. These [x gold] is a purpose loan and shall not be used by Buyer for any other purpose except Company purchase.
Схема с кредитованием покупателя. Позволяет продать компанию через рынок компаний, без подключения админов
2.1.4 Buyer undertakes to purchase a Company for the price agreed in Clause 2.1 within 48 hours after Contract is signed by both parties.
2.1.5 Buyer undertakes to return [x gold] and pay weekly interest of [z gold] to Seller in accordance with the following schedule:
Date: [effective date + 2] Payment: [x items] at rate of [x gold ]
Если вы берете часть платежа оружием, булками и т.п.
Date: [effective date + 9] Payment: [y gold] Interest: [z gold]
Date: [effective date + 16] Payment: [y gold] Interest: [z gold]
Date: [effective date + 23] Payment: [y gold] Interest: [z gold]
Date: [effective date + 30] Payment: [y gold] Interest: [z gold]
2.1.6 Buyer may, at its sole discretion, make payments in advance of the schedule set in Clause 2.4. In this case weekly interest shall not be paid for remaining full weeks (7 days).

2.2 Company state and assets
At the moment of purchase Company shall have following assets:
- [x gold/national currency] at its accounts
- [x raw material/products] in its stocks

2.3 Company quality
Seller shall not downgrade the quality of company starting from effective date.
А то разные хитрецы попадаются ))) Могут подписать контракт на продажу Q2 за 40, а потом сделать downgrade за 10 и продать Q1

3. Contract validity and termination
3.1 This Contract is valid for 7 days starting from effective date. Contract becomes void if it is not signed by both parties during this period. No obligations shall be imposed to parties if the Contract is signed by both parties after validity term.
3.2 If Contract is signed by both parties within 7 days starting from effective date it can be terminated only upon breaching its terms and conditions by any party involved.
3.3 If, after placing at “Companies for sale” market, Company is purchased by any other entity (non-involved to this Contract) Seller shall notify Buyer about this event by personal message within 24 hour. Buyer shall refund to Seller all funds donated under Clause 2.1.3 of this Contract within 24 hours upon receiving the notification. Contract is terminated upon refund is made; no other obligation is imposed to parties.
Если вы очень хотите продать конкретному товарищу: выставляете по завышенной цене, например Q1 за 30. Допустим у покупателя только 10. Даете ему 20 - он покупает. В рассрочку возвращает 10. Сумма покупки 20.

4. Liability (Contract terms and conditions)
4.1 If Seller fails to fulfil obligations set in Clauses 2.1.2 and 2.1.3: the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin for every 24 hours of delay. After 72 hours of delay Contract becomes void.
4.2 If Buyer fails to fulfil obligations set in Clause 2.1.4 (except as per Clause 3.3): the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin for every 24 hours of delay. After 72 hours of delay Contract becomes void; properties shall be returned to their previous owners.
4.3 If Seller fails to fulfil obligations set in Clause 2.2: the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin.
4.4 If Seller fails to fulfil obligations set in Clause 2.3: properties shall be returned to their previous owners; contract becomes void; the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin; Seller shall receive a three day ban.
4.5 If Buyer uses funds received from Seller under Clause 2.1.3 for any other purpose except Company purchase: properties shall be returned to their previous owners; contract becomes void; the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin; Seller shall receive a three day ban.
4.6 If Buyer delays any of payments set in Clause 2.1.5 for more than 24 hours: the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin.
4.7 If Buyer delays any of payments set in Clause 2.1.5 for more than 72 hours: the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin; Company shall be returned to Seller; no funds transferred under this Contract shall be reimbursed to Buyer.
4.8 If Seller or Buyer fails to fulfil obligations set in Clause 3.3: properties shall be returned to their previous owners; contract becomes void; the fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin to party that breaches the mentioned conditions.

5. Liability (Contract modification)
If Contract is modified by either sides, or one of the signatures is modified, before fulfilling obligations set in Clauses 2.1.2-2.1.5 than the exchanged properties shall be returned to their previous owners. The fine of [x gold] can be imposed by Admin to party that has modified Contract or signature. The party that has modified Contract or signature shall also receive a three day ban.

6. Permanent ban/death
6.1 Contract becomes void if Seller dies or receive permanent ban and, thus, is unable to fulfil obligation set in Clauses 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
6.2 Contract becomes void if Buyer dies or receive permanent ban and, thus, is unable to fulfil obligation set in Clauses 2.1.4. Funds donated to Buyer under Clause 2.1.3 of this Contract shall be returned to Seller.
6.3 Contract becomes void if Buyer dies or receive permanent ban and, thus, is unable to fulfil obligations set in Clauses 2.1.5. Company shall be returned to Seller.

7. Deprivation of property
Company shall be returned to Seller if part or all the properties of Buyer is impounded by Admin and, thus, Buyer is unable to fulfil obligations set in this Contract. Contract becomes void if part or all the properties of Seller is impounded by Admin and, thus, Seller is unable to fulfil obligations set in this Contract

8. Miscellaneous
By signing this Contract parties confirm that funds and assets involved to Contract are free of any obligations and liabilities related to third party.

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