
Day 1,397, 08:13 Published in China China by XCGDYS



在政治中筋疲力尽(political burn-out)



After being in office for a few months myself and giving 100% to Belgium I have found myself totally burned out. This fact together with the present political climate in eBelgium has brought me to read up about politics and looking for answers.


A warm appeal on all ePoliticians


According to Stephan Coleman, politicians should change tactics ones in a while. Politicians are missing the ability to do a self emotional survey. Selfreflection is often banned in political midst. Politicians may be brilliant in adressing problems, joggeling ideas and can adapt to circumstances, they are not brilliant in reading their own emotions or as we call it “selfreflextion. This is something they would better work on because the society has a need for a more psychological mature practising of politics.

根据Stephan Coleman(求科普……)的理论,政客应该时不时地改变策略。政客们缺乏对自身做附带情感的自省的能力。政治生活往往拒绝自我反省。政客们或许精于危机公关、拖延不决以及见风使舵(原文为adressing problems,joggeling ideas and can adapt to circumstances),但他们并不长于审视自己的情感,或者如我们所说,自我反省。但他们本应关注于此,因为社会需要熟稔心理学的政治行为。

What is reflection?


* Describe the situation and environment.


* Study your behaviour


* Ask questions about your own skills


* Find out your motivation and beliefs


* Think about your identity


* Give attention to your underlying motives.



Practical tips to get to work


* Choose a concrete situation and look back on that specific moment and the way you acted.


* Reflect often and schedule at least once a week a moment to reflect. Preferably at a fixed time.


* Ask yourself open questions.


* Judge yourself, look what happened before you value it.


* Reflect methodical. Make a list of questions of use the reflection model.


* Don’t just reflect on problem situations but also when you were successful


* Use feedback from others to reflect from their point of view.
