
Day 1,346, 09:51 Published in Russia Russia by Support_Service

Good day to you, kind Sirs!

This guide was created by the eRussian Support Service. We hope that you will find it useful 🙂

Translated from Russian by the eRussian ambassador to the eUS AlcherBlack
at the request of the eRussian Support Service. You can find the original article here (and vote it too 😉).


This guide describes the actions required for the steady development of your character, which will allow you to reach level 15 in only 5 days! However, this guide is assuming that you are going to login only once a day. By logging in multiple times per day and buying food instead of tanks it is possible to reach level 15 in two days. However, I recommend all new player to read this guide. It contains a load of useful and relevant information.

The first day is, probably, the most difficult one.

The easiest way to level-up your character at the beginning of your eLife is by doing missions – that’s what they’re there for, after all.

The first mission you’re going to need to do is Join the Rebuilding effort. The requirements are:
• To own 3 grain farms
• To own a food factory

This is probably the easiest mission there is. Admins have already graciously provided you with all the required companies (albeit in a ruined state), so the only thing you have to do is go to the My Land screen (or press Shift+L) and claim them. The firms are located in the first row. To restore them all you need to do is to click on each one:

Done? Great! All that is left to finish the mission and claim your reward is to click on the mission icon in the bottom left part of the screen. The reward is 2 exp. points and 20 units of national currency.
Now it’s time to work. Let’s go to My Land:

Work at the companies that you’ve restored (they are highlighted in orange in the screenshot), to work at a company click on it’s picture.

You have reached level two and received 1

Now finish The daily bread mission (all the requirements are already fulfilled), and receive your reward – 2 exp. and 10 q1 food.
Now it’s time to get a job. In order to do that, navigate to the Job market (highlighted in green) and apply for the first position at the top of the list (it has the highest salary). Don’t forget to work at the job you’ve just found!
Now it’s time to increase your Strength! This is achieved by your daily training. To train, go to My Land and clock on the Training Grounds (highlighted in blue). You’re done!

Now for some more missions. All of the requirements are already met for We are all warriors, so the only thing left is to claim your reward. For the second one (Offense is the best defense) you will need to buy a q1 weapon, which is the cheapest weapon available. Go to Market -> Marketplace, select Weapons and q1 quality:

Buy a gun, complete the mission and receive yet another reward – 2 exp. and another q1 gun.

You have reached level three and received 1

The next mission Image matters requires that you have an avatar in your profile. In order to upload one, navigate to the edit profile page, click Browse, choose an image file, input your password in the field below and press Make Changes. Complete the mission for 2 exp.
Not it is time to BATTLE! It is important that you read a [url=httphttp://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Military_tutorial]Military_tutorial[/url] on fighting before doing it. For your first fight you will need 2 q5 weapons, more commonly known as tanks. Buy them from the market. Next, enter the battle screen, select the tank and press Fight. If your health is too low, press Eat food to restore it.

After killing a number of enemies, you will receive your first rank – Private, and an Energy Bar, which restores your health to 100. An Energy Bar is an extremely useful item, and it is vital to use it correctly, which is eating it only when you have 0 hp. Beware – you cannot eat any food if you have an unused energy bar.

You have reached level four and received 1

You need to kill 5 enemies to complete the A future Hero mission, the reward is 2 exp. and an energy bar. After that kill a couple more enemies and receive your next rank - Private*, and another energy bar. Now it’s time for the next mission - Rumors. To complete it you need to fight in any battle, the required item will drop from a random enemy.
After completing Rumors another mission will become available - Armory: Bazooka. To complete it you need to gather 5 required items of the bazooka (you already have one from the last mission) and use it. The Bazooka allows you to kill any enemy with a single hit, and you can use it 3 time. You can see how many parts you already have in your inventory:

You will probably have to fight a number of times before you collect all the required parts. After you get the last part, you will see the following message:

After pressing Build your Bazooka you will find yourself in your inventory, where the Assemble button has been activated. Press it. You will receive bazooka as a weapon, you will be able to select it in the battle screen, just like a tank or a gun. Each kill equals 5000 influence points. After using your bazooka 3 times, complete the Armory: Bazooka mission. You will receive 10 Strength and another bazooka.

Let’s get back to fighting. Using food and energy bars gain two more levels.

You have reached level five, then level six, and received 2 for it.

Pretty soon you will get your next rank - Private**.

You have reached level seven and received 1 Now you can change your location.

Your region is occupied by an enemy country, or you just want to travel a bit? Easy! You just need to navigate to your profile page (click your avatar picture) and look at this panel:

To change your location, press the change button next to location (DUH!). You will be charged 20 to 100 units of your national currency, depending on the distance.

You have reached level eight ] and received 1

That’s all for day one. However there is still a lot to do if you want to get an understanding of what is going on in the game. To do that you should read some of the available newspapers, which are accessible in Community -> News.
After navigating to the News page you will see the TOP-20 of the latest publications. Perhaps you wish to check out papers on a certain topic, or browse through international press? All of that is easily accessed using a special panel:

Article names are highlighted in orange, topics – in blue.
Another way to check out all the topics fast is the News categories menu, which can be found on the main page.

Day two.

Your second day in eRepublik has arrived. First of all, you need to work at your job and at your own companies. That way you will receive a certain amount of national currency and at least 100 q1 food to restore your health lost in fighting. After finishing that, you need to train, which will increase your Strength. Don’t forget to get a small reward for finishing your daily tasks (the button is on the main page).

You have reached level nine and received 1

It's time to battle some more. Buy a couple of tanks and choose a battle. Remember, the most important battle is labeled Campaign of
the day
. After killing a number of enemies, you will receive a new rank - Private***, and an energy bar, which you can use
to fight some more.

You have reached level ten and received 1

Now it's time to upgrade your Town Center. This building determines the amount of health you can restore at once. Sure, you can
log into the game every hour and use 100 health, but, first of all, it's incredibly tedious to do that, and you won't be able to do
much damage in a specific battle (which might be very important!). To upgrade your Town Center, navigate to My Land, find the
Town Centre and press the little arrow underneath:

If you don't have enough money, you can almost always get help from any high-level player. So, if all the upgrade requirements are met,
you may upgrade:

That's it for your second day of eLife 🙂 Don't forget to check out the press and eWorld map, so you have a basic understanding of what's going on in the eWorld.

Day three.

First of all, work at your job and your own companies, as always. Don't forget to train!

You have reached level eleven and received 1

It's time to fight! Buy three tanks from the market and choose a battle. After defeating a couple of enemies you will attain yet
another rank - Corporal, and the usual energy bar. Use that to get a couple more kills.

You have reached level twelve and received 1 Now you can
create companies!

Day four.

As usual, work and train, and don't forget about your daily reward!

You have reached level thirteen and received 1 Now you can join a political party!

Let's discuss your future political prospects a bit. The first and easiest thing to do is joining a political party 🙂 Navigate to Community –> My Party. Choose a party that catches your eye, and, if you want, join their forum/irc channel/skype channel etc. This
will allow you to find friends and mentors in the New World. In time you may even become Party President 🙂

Now then, let's get back to fighting 🙂 As always, buy a couple of tanks and attack.

You have reached level fourteen and received 1 You can
now vote in elections!

Day five.

As always, work/train/get reward. Buy a couple of tanks and fight, gaining a new rank - Corporal*.

You have reached level fifteen and received 1 You can
now run for Congress and fully use the Monetary Market!


If you followed the guide, you should now have about 14 , Which
you can use in a number of ways:

Boosted Strength gain.
In order to do that, you need to build an additional training facility. Navigate to the building construction screen and choose Training Facilities:

You will have a choice of 3 types of training facilities. Each one costs a certain amount of national currency and requires a certain
amount of gold daily for training. The cheapest one - Climbing Center. Using this facility pays off as soon as you get your
first Super Soldier medal, so it's wise to build it.

Creating one or several goods producing companies.
By building a couple of companies, you'll be able to work at them and create goods to sell. Consider this: By building 2 Fruit Orchards (they are found in the Food raw
section) and a Food Factory (Factories section), you'll probably be able to create all the food you'll need
every day, and maybe even sell some, thus increasing your savings.

The choice is yours. The Support Service advises creating companies first, but don't forget about training either.

That's all, folks! A word of final advice: try to find your place in the eRepublik community, don't just press some buttons a couple of times a day. This game is ALL about the community. Join a party, your national new player Academy, perhaps enroll in a military squad. Good luck in the New World! 🙂

That is all for today. Good luck in the New World, friends!

Best wishes,
eRussian Support Service head Simust2.