Hintergrund an/aus

Črna lista kongresnikov - oktober 2009

10 Tag 734, 14:25 Veröffentlicht in Slovenia Slovenia

Dragi državljani in državljanke

Zopet se vam javljam, tokrat s Črno listo kongresnikov za mesec oktober. Tale črna lista kongresnikov, je že tretja zapored in njen namen je obvestiti prebivalstvo, koga naj volijo in koga naj pod nobenim pogojem

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Slovenian Media Mogul Project

2 Tag 725, 09:01 Veröffentlicht in Indonesia Indonesia

As you all know, recently there was a rule that came into action. It changed the price of the MPPs(alliances) from 30g to a very expensive 100g. Just before this, Slovenia experienced its biggest baby boom in history. This and the before mentioned

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Slovenian Media Mogul Project

8 Tag 725, 08:59 Veröffentlicht in Brazil Brazil

As you all know, recently there was a rule that came into action. It changed the price of the MPPs(alliances) from 30g to a very expensive 100g. Just before this, Slovenia experienced its biggest baby boom in history. This and the before mentioned

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Slovenian Media Mogul Project

6 Tag 725, 08:57 Veröffentlicht in Hungary Hungary

As you all know, recently there was a rule that came into action. It changed the price of the MPPs(alliances) from 30g to a very expensive 100g. Just before this, Slovenia experienced its biggest baby boom in history. This and the before mentioned

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Slovenian Media Mogul Project

18 Tag 725, 03:16 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia

Zdravo svima,
Sloveniji je potrebna pomoć. Zbog povećanja cene MPP-ova in velikog baby boom-a, koji se dogodijo upravo u to vreme, slovenačkoj vladi ponestaje novca. Ta činjenica nas je dovela do ideje da bi naša država mogla doći do novca na sledeć

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