Hintergrund an/aus


8 Tag 574, 09:35 Veröffentlicht in Finland Finland

Tervehdys, eSuomi!

Vasta pari päivää sitten astuin taas eSuomen maaperälle ja vasta nyt parin päivän päästä olen kykeneväinen aktivoitumaan niin politiikassa kuin pelissä … mehr »

Seven - organization for "mercenaries"

0 Tag 565, 03:08 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Greetings, my fellow citizens

I`m Erius, former citizen of eFinland and former party president of Red Jihad in eFinland. Me and couple of my fellows have moved away from our homeland so that we could experience something new. I have taken … mehr »

Seven - organization for "mercenaries"

1 Tag 565, 03:08 Veröffentlicht in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Greetings, my fellow citizens

I`m Erius, former citizen of eFinland and former party president of Red Jihad in eFinland. Me and couple of my fellows have moved away from our homeland so that we could experience something new. I have taken … mehr »

Seven - organization for "mercenaries"

0 Tag 565, 03:07 Veröffentlicht in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings, my fellow citizens

I`m Erius, former citizen of eFinland and former party president of Red Jihad in eFinland. Me and couple of my fellows have moved away from our homeland so that we could experience something new. I have taken … mehr »

Seven - organization for "mercenaries"

4 Tag 565, 03:06 Veröffentlicht in Switzerland Switzerland

Greetings, my fellow citizens

I`m Erius, former citizen of eFinland and former party president of Red Jihad in eFinland. Me and couple of my fellows have moved away from our homeland so that we could experience something new. I have taken … mehr »