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The hangman will return

Presidential elections - April 2011

7 Tag 1,233, 13:53 Veröffentlicht in Singapore Singapore

The new president of Singapore is scottty, who candidated for the first time and now begins his first term.
[img]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg92/[/img] … mehr »

Congressional elections - March 2011

11 Tag 1,222, 12:30 Veröffentlicht in Singapore Singapore

[img]http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2010/12/22/982c43b63269029ebfd5fb551ab13d86_55x55.jpg[/[/img]mehr »

Party elections - March 2011

1 Tag 1,212, 16:45 Veröffentlicht in Singapore Singapore

After yesterday's elections, here are the new party presidents of Singapore:

[img]http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/04/10/[/img] … mehr »

Presidential elections - March 2011

8 Tag 1,202, 09:35 Veröffentlicht in Singapore Singapore

The National Institute of Statistics

With this project I plan to keep a track on Singapore's CP, PP and Congress elections in a full political synopsis that … mehr »

The Real Slim Shady

14 Tag 1,155, 18:02 Veröffentlicht in Singapore Singapore

When I was 3 emonths old, an elder troll gave me an advice and told me to
- Quit this game. Quit this game while you still can!.
Rubbish! I was like Batman, Batman*; because even then I knew I had already crossed the line and

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