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Netherlands Stands With EDEN!

37 Tag 1,886, 14:34 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Our loyal and dedicated congress has decided it is now time to question our loyalty to EDEN by posting up a referendum to judge our opinions on leaving.

Here is the vote: http://www.enetherlands.nl/mehr »

Supply (1819)

2 Tag 1,819, 12:19 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

@ 12:17 #FAA is supplying D3-D4. Must move to Argentina and fight for Argentina.

Updates as I can.

~ Aries

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Supply (1817)

1 Tag 1,817, 09:55 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

@9:53 #EgyptArmy is supplying D4. Fight for Egypt against Cyprus. (MPP for EDEN)

@16:26 #FFA is supplying D2-D4 with branching channels. Fight for Argentina against Chili. (MPP)

- #brostralia is supplying D3-D4. Fight for Australia against

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Mutual Protection Pacts

16 Tag 1,816, 14:48 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

First of all I know I am fairly new here but I have noticed we are lacking some serious MPPs with a majority of our allies,

I understand that we are on a tight budget here in

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Supply (1816)

2 Tag 1,816, 07:02 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

@7:00 #erepindo-pkei supplying all divisions. Must move to Indonesia and fight for Singapore against Indonesia. (Not EDEN)

@9:06 #d3d4 open to D2-D3-D4. First for Colombia against Venezuela. (MPP most EDEN)

~ Aries


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