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The Ministry of Truth controls information: news, entertainment, education, and the arts to concord with Big Brother's current pronouncements, thus everything the Party says is true.

How Not To Run A Forum

24 Tag 2,617, 08:41 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

So class...

What is the first item on the Agenda for our new super revamped Forum?

The Forum that ian arbuckle no doubt put a lot of work into.
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All About That Base

6 Tag 2,591, 03:45 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

(click on the image)

Thanks for reading...

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[ILP PP] Telling it like it is

82 Tag 2,583, 18:10 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Comrades & Colleagues

(bear with me this is a long one)

I first wish to thank the members of the ILP for returning me as Party President for the month ahead.

As we know this election was marred … mehr »

The Mayo Agreement...My Opinion

79 Tag 2,580, 15:42 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen


First of this is not an article giving an opinion on whether the deal is a good one or not.

My beef is it has been foisted on the population by the Government (whether well meaning or not) without warning without consultation.

[img][/img] … mehr »

[ILP PP] Rebooting the system - Update

34 Tag 2,532, 08:16 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Comrades & Collogues

A special welcome to new members and I hope you feel valued

When elected PP of the ILP our great Party was in decline.

We had 22 members and ranked 3rd and only a … mehr »