Hintergrund an/aus

Official Congress List: Please check to avoid Hostile Take Over [Update 1]

23 Tag 735, 06:20 Veröffentlicht in India India

My friends,
India is on verge of a Political Take Over...we need to stay united . I hereby call all people to follow instructions and vote for following candidates as per orders received -
All candidates are asked to follow instructions and run

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Official Congress list

18 Tag 734, 18:47 Veröffentlicht in India India

My friends,
India is on verge of a Political Take Over...we need to stay united . I hereby call all people to follow instructions and vote for following candidates as per orders received -
All candidates are asked to follow instructions and run

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Office of Internal Affairs India (IAI)

28 Tag 697, 03:56 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hello eIndians,

First of all I would like to wish you a very Happy Diwali.

This article will elaborate a few things about the office of “Internal Affairs India (IAI)”

1) Agenda:

a. To assign citizen mentors to

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Be Active, Build India [Updated]

5 Tag 663, 17:19 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hello dear Citizens
Hope you are enjoying the eIndian weather today! Its nice and sunny, as we work, train & fight under the able leadership of President UgoRaffaele, and both old and new faces to support. Congratulations to the new Ministers as
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Be Active, Build India

24 Tag 635, 09:23 Veröffentlicht in India India

Hello dear Citizens
Hope you are enjoying the eIndian weather today! Its nice and sunny, as we work, train & fight under the able leadership of President shail.back, and both old and new faces to support. Congratulations to our newly elected
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