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The Beleaguered Manatees

8 Tag 3,594, 19:30 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Dear Beleguered Manatees,

Don’t give up, you can swim. I know this may seem like an insurmountable task with your fat body and very small and largely useless fins. But if you do the worm and push your little fins you can swim. I know you can

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RF Williams > Dummy > Derppy

7 Tag 3,480, 18:43 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Hello America,

It is I, your lovely Liberator, you know the person who saved you from Tyranny and the rather dark ugliness of Tom Waits the worst singer in the world. You have been a bad boy Tom....

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[CG4CP] The most important vote you may ever cast.

29 Tag 3,333, 19:15 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Not having an opponent really sucks.

But I will have to make do with what there is. Early this month I freed America from dictatorship. I fought hard and I fought on behalf of everyone. I did it … mehr »

On Conduct

29 Tag 3,328, 12:09 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

I don’t usually write articles in response to a very small but vocal group of people but I deemed it quite necessary in this case. A very small number of people have said some very heinous and very personal things about myself in the past days. I

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The 2nd Coming of CG and the Last Hope for America

85 Tag 3,326, 13:25 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

Thanks for the design, former Dictator. No 30 day medal 4 u! #Sweet Justice

Look guys, this is a Dictatorship. It is ultimately on me and it's my legacy or whatever.

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