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[Nyx] Hello Japan!

61 Tag 2,648, 02:05 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

konnichiwa Japan! Hajimemashite 🙂

I hope there are real Japanese here, if not zdravo lol

Технички би требало да се слажем фино са Србима. У читавој својој каријери (ово ми није први налог), mehr »

[Nyx] Bye bye Canada!

75 Tag 2,646, 00:00 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik


With a heavy heart I have to bid eCanada goodbye. It was kinda fun hanging out with some of my favorites and scuffling with a few players. The troll-worthy material was just too good to pass.

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[Nyx] Please V0te for DMV3

50 Tag 2,633, 03:04 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Ditch politics. Do what is right for your country.

Vote for DMV. I believe he will genuinely put in the effort to show our two undeserving occupants the way to hell.

It is not a good position to be wiped for

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[Nyx] Screwed up

40 Tag 2,624, 04:24 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Ok This is about some stoopid stuff going on in the media. Krakken mentioned that certain Nyx will correct it if something is wrong. So here goes…

This is for all the parties involved or for whomever it applies. This is just my opinion. You
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[Nyx] Precedent

53 Tag 2,621, 04:12 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

All this would have been amusing if it were a novelty. Sadly, it is very commonplace and fails to stimulate my mind.

It feels like dejavu. I just need to change the names of the characters and the name of the

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