Hintergrund an/aus

Where is Austria going?

7 Tag 486, 19:10 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Now it is the time for changing. Changing for germany and changing for Austria. Germany is in the border line between PEACE and ATLANTIS however most likely she is going to choose ATLANTIS(But still hope they won't). Now it's the time to come out

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Where there's smoke there's fire?

33 Tag 486, 08:10 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

I do not know.... if the articles in the newspaper are true, but you know, where there's smoke there's fire.

Peace or Atlantis this is not a question. The question is the Union or not?

Chicco lead the Austria into Germany.. but there was never

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The statement of the Austrian army about the Anschluss

20 Tag 467, 11:00 Veröffentlicht in Austria Austria

This is the generals statement...... After my head cleaned

As you might know we are joining Germany,and the HQ fully support this, just we see there a big problem.

Austria was always a Peace Country they supported us, they helped us, many

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8 Tag 452, 18:29 Veröffentlicht in Austria Austria


My name is Metallon and i am your Defence Minister, as you might know i was the defence minister some time ago.Today i am writing this message to inform you the status of the Osterreichs Bundesheer.The truth is we don't have any army or

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