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Day 1257

27 Tag 1,257, 14:55 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Greek resistance forces are doing well in Ionian Islands.

Romanian resistance forces are having little success in Crisana, but on the whole are up to eight.

Romania is about to attack Hungary, after five impressive wins.

China is rolling

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Day 1256

3 Tag 1,257, 08:39 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Short and sweet.

We are purging the lands of Spainish, Mexican, and Canadian regions.

Late edition is late.



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Day 1255

14 Tag 1,255, 18:41 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Greece is about to attack Turkey after two uncontested wins.

Bulgaria can into Povardarie in Macedonia after three impressive wins.

Brazil can into Northern Cape, South Africa.

Bosnia and Herzegovina can into Western Serbia, and they are up

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Day 1254

15 Tag 1,254, 18:41 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

USA is about to attack Mexico after a handsome win in Baja.

The US is fighting hard against Spain in Mississippi. We are now going to turn our attention on them.

US resistance forces are mobilized in Georgia to deal with Spain.

Greece is

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Day 1253

19 Tag 1,253, 18:57 Veröffentlicht in USA USA Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Serbia is about to attack the US. It's on.

Spain is about to attack the US. They are still kicking our teeth in.

Can the US finally stop Mexico in Baja? I hope so.

Poland is about to attack Germany. Good luck, Germany.

Turkey is

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