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Imperial Party to the Stars!

39 Tag 5,397, 04:17 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Finanzgeschäfte Finanzgeschäfte

Imperial Party of Canada, hear me now and believe me later.

You may have heard of the Great Exodus. Some parties may leave en mass for another eCountry where beer and wine flow freely, the natives are all moderately attractive, slightly

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C.O.R.E. to the core altogether!

15 Tag 5,396, 04:15 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Finanzgeschäfte Finanzgeschäfte

Members of CORE hear me!

There are some parties that want to abandon eCanada for another country where they will be hailed as elites and gleefully allowed complete, unquestioned control of the host nation lock, stock, and barrel.

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POO let's leave Dry Land en mass and teach them a lesson!

22 Tag 5,395, 05:28 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Party of Opprobrium hear me!

Some other parties may be called to abandon eCanada for an unspecified uptopian country that may (or may not) accept their citizenships, but I say why stop there? Let us, brethren & sistren, join as one and abandon

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Buying vs producing

17 Tag 5,371, 04:46 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Finanzgeschäfte Finanzgeschäfte

Supply & demand - its what makes the world's economies work, even in the supposedly commie countries (its called the black market). Here on eRep, it doesn't quite work. Unlike the real world, there's no disincentives to production. Its all fake

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Losing all yer cash by supporting pointless RW

37 Tag 5,267, 05:22 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

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