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Vive La Reagan Revolucion!
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theajaybrunoshow - My Official eRepublik Podcast

Ronald Gipper Reagan's Radio Show RETURNS - Don't Miss It!

27 Day 3,722 ,10:01 在USA发布 USA 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

I've decided to bring my radio show/podcast back for at least semi-regular episodes! If you can join us live the show will air Monday, January 29th, at 2:00 PM EDT and run for approximately a half hour. If you can't be there, the show will be

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Гвожђе се кује док је вруће

36 Day 3,353 ,12:55 在Serbia发布 Serbia 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Драги Срби,

Многи од вас ће ме се сетити као великог пријатеља Србије у прошлости, па сам решио да вам упутим последњи апел да се пробудите и помогнете ми у успостављању пламена правде који се, током неколико претходних година, свео на једва пламт

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Ronald Gipper Reagan's Radio Show - Don't Miss a RARE Episode!

14 Day 2,918 ,20:52 在USA发布 USA 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Don't miss my interview with Scott Wolter, the host of History's 'America Unearthed' and 'Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar' Wednesday, November 18th at 1😇0 AM EDT http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theajaybrunoshow
or if you can't make it, you

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Vote Reagan for President - A Tribute to the Greatest Generation

44 Day 2,874 ,23:23 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

I want to remind all patriotic Americans who love their country to vote Ronald Gipper Reagan for President of the United States on Monday, October 5th, unless you prefer living in a world like 'The Man in the High Castle', in which case you

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Vote Ronald Gipper Reagan for President of the United States!

66 Day 2,813 ,21:11 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

These words are truer than ever in the eUSA today. Government is indeed the problem. My name is Ronald Gipper Reagan, and I was one of the … 更多 »