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This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

strange events and awesome stuff.

10 Day 2,155 ,13:34 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 经济焦点 经济焦点

hello again, friends, and loyal readers.
thanks for your support. together, we will defeat the army of darkness and we shall free switzerland from slovenia's evil clutches soon!

first … 更多 »

feeling inspirational.

8 Day 2,144 ,13:52 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

well, remember my rant about how switzerland was very innactive, and powerless, and without any regions?

or that we're always under the threat of slovenia taking us over...

and when i … 更多 »


5 Day 2,142 ,14:02 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

many (few) might ask:
''chris, why did your last 2 articles deliver so much anger, political debates, and a flaming hate for the ''war'' events?''

i will tell you.

it was that time … 更多 »

ummm elections?!

10 Day 2,142 ,13:55 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

so, i was standing alone, outside from the CANDY factory of liguria,
(which liguria, was a former city of croatia, and now is a property of the evil army of darkness by slovenia)

and … 更多 »


8 Day 2,142 ,13:40 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 战略分析 战略分析

PACIFIC WAR. do you read the irony?

anyhow, on the fatefull day 2,139 the war was over, few got all the -impossibly hard- missions complete, and all they got for a reward was a pair of … 更多 »