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The official comic of the UK Ministry of Entertainment (MoENT)

By: Dwyer Edwards

[MoSB] Stack badgers for victory!

13 Day 3,219 ,06:52 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

No doubt you’ve been waiting with bated (geddit? No? OK then - “baited”) breath since the 更多 »

[MoSB] Stack until you can stack no more

14 Day 3,216 ,04:16 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Good lord. When I applied, jokingly, to Karacticus for a position in Horice’s cabinet, I didn’t think for a moment that I’d get one. But get one I did - and not just any one.

I … 更多 »

[MoEnt] Get yer semi-free article moneh 'ere

15 Day 3,156 ,05:00 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Afternoon lads o7,

As part of our commitment to wasting exuberant amounts of money to magically get people interested again, we’re happy to announce the first tranche of government-subsidised ‘ … 更多 »

[MoENT] shutting down

0 Day 3,151 ,02:49 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

It's been fun. Good luck to the next government 🙂更多 »

[MoEnt] Brexit Prediction Sweepstake

50 Day 3,135 ,13:51 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

is this image controversial? I have no idea

Yoyoyo it's your boi Rob the MoEnt presenting you with the oppurtunity to make some massive eCash … 更多 »