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The official comic of the UK Ministry of Entertainment (MoENT)

By: Dwyer Edwards

[MoEnt] Competition time!

23 Day 2,560 ,12:00 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Welcome to the new Ministry of Entertainment - or MoEnt to our friends. And everyone is our friend.

Obviously, everyone is terribly busy at the moment, what with all … 更多 »

[MoEnt] Competition Results!

12 Day 2,540 ,11:29 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

So for the last few weeks, we’ve been running a meme competition. Today, the night before elections, we announce the results. Although there wasn’t a huge turnout, I think if we have a few more … 更多 »

[MoEnt] The Great October Meme Competition

3 Day 2,519 ,12:44 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Hi Folks,

So, it’s about time that the lazy Minister of Entertainment gets off his deckchair and does something. HOW ABOUT A COMPETITION.

Make me an eRepublik based meme. [ … 更多 »

[MoEnt] Let's laff at the Canucks & Argies

9 Day 2,402 ,15:35 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Let's laff at the Canadians

don't worry, won't quite be that many

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Mission statement from the Ministry of Fun

27 Day 2,396 ,13:59 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

... or some sh*t like that.

OK, having recovered from the numerous fainting spells I've had after I heard I was lumbered with given the Minister of Entertainment position, I thought it

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