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The Race to the bottom! The Prisoners dilemma!

0 Day 1,992 ,12:41 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

we must sell lower than our neighbor to sell and make a profit! so of course sell lower than your neighbor. then your neighbor sells lower than you! and well eventually both end up losing!

one prision can tell the truth and get reduced time. the

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I need more workers!

3 Day 1,991 ,09:53 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

please quit your job and join mine for a day. i want to have all my buildings produce all that they can produce!

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Are there bots in the markets maintaining minimum prices?

4 Day 1,990 ,11:44 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

i was told that the markets have bots that maintain minnimum prices. like raws at .03 is this true? and to me that would be very dissapointing. why in the world would anyone make a game that all people do is sel to bots? why would anyone create a

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We need more demand! Help support the baja resistance war!

1 Day 1,990 ,10:20 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

I will be willing to help you financially if you do not have enough money to support the war. you will need to join my MU.

we need more demand for wepons and food. higher demand higher prices. higher profit. please support the resistance war

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how many food raws are needed to maintain production a day?

7 Day 1,987 ,09:36 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

i am just wondering what people think as to estimates of food raws needed daily?

if we have 3000 active usa citizens and they each use 1000 energy daily.
q7 food is 160 food for 3200 raws. which heals 3200 energy.
so 3 million raws would be

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