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i need help calculating cost per increase in damage for different quality weapons.

3 Day 2,498 ,13:13 在USA发布 USA 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

so i am goinjg to assume military rank and strength stay the same and only changing weps is what influences damage.

so i am confused because weps have different durability and fire power.

i assumed i could take the cost divide it by the

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new update! Work the Nightshift! and Erepublik world has a million suns!

7 Day 2,492 ,08:57 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

if you want to see the update go to the bottom of the web page and click "latest updates" i am not going to copy and paste it wasting both yours and mine time and everyone elses who already readed(spelling this wrong made me smile so i left it) it.

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weekly challenge reewards! currency and more!

0 Day 2,485 ,04:08 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

i just want people to know that several rewards for the weekly challenge is to get currency!

if you want to see how much go to the bottom of the web page and click latest updates then weekly rewards.

before only countries could print

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Croatia is taking the bull by its horns and fixing the deflation!

4 Day 2,483 ,07:19 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

we all have see how gold prices have been dropping and the admins issuing much more gold with the tournment. prices are falling and currency is being held because it is a safe investment.

well times are changing!


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Please start printing money!

6 Day 2,474 ,09:42 在USA发布 USA 经济焦点 经济焦点

I know only the government can find a way to print money but please spend the time and take the risks to print the money! even if you have to pay someone half the profits it would be worth it as long as that person is an american!

currency is

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