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Official Newspaper used by the Minister of Defense.

A More Efficient Military - AMEM Campaign

0 Day 450 ,00:49 在Japan发布 Japan


Following along with the AMEM Campaign, We invite any who are interested to join the Japanese Military. Enlist today for a stronger Japan. … 更多 »

Creation of the Japanese food Bank

2 Day 410 ,12:06 在Japan发布 Japan

Today, the national foodbank of japan is opened
this will be run from the military org.
in this dark times, when people steal all the food off of our markets, we need a foodbank
this food bank will work directly with food producers inside and

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The Japanese Imperial Army HQ is now OPEN!

3 Day 391 ,15:55 在Japan发布 Japan

As ordered by the People of Japan, the Imperial Army headquarters Org is no open.
All soldiers will now receive orders from this Organization. All questions pertaining to the military or national security should be sent to this organization.

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