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Mentors needed!

3 Day 1,853 ,22:44 在Canada发布 Canada 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Are you ever sitting around wondering how you can help make eCanada better? If so then maybe you should think about signing up to mentor new players who need advice and help. Helping new players will make them more likely to stay around.

If you

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Want to learn about the battle module?

6 Day 1,850 ,13:53 在Canada发布 Canada 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

In the spirit of CanIre I present an eIrish article for newer players about battle and its rewards



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Clan Wolf

9 Day 1,845 ,19:26 在Canada发布 Canada 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Clan Wolf is a political party that can be a home to players who are both active and inactive in politics. If you … 更多 »

Restarting mentor Program

10 Day 1,844 ,09:06 在Canada发布 Canada 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Foxfire has seen fit to restart the mentor program. This will exist alongside the Boomer … 更多 »

CPF Strong and Reliable Leadership

6 Day 1,793 ,23:44 在Canada发布 Canada 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

....................VOTE CPF FOR STRONG AND RELIABLE LEADERSHIP....................


Greetings eCanada and fellow members of

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